Source code for flatland.envs.step_utils.speed_counter

from functools import lru_cache

import numpy as np
from flatland.envs.step_utils.states import TrainState

def _calc_max_count(speed):
    return int(1.0 / speed) - 1

[docs] class SpeedCounter: def __init__(self, speed): self._speed = speed self.counter = None self.reset_counter()
[docs] def update_counter(self, state, old_position): # Can't start counting when adding train to the map if state == TrainState.MOVING and old_position is not None: self.counter += 1 self.counter = self.counter % (self.max_count + 1)
def __repr__(self): return f"speed: {self.speed} \ max_count: {self.max_count} \ is_cell_entry: {self.is_cell_entry} \ is_cell_exit: {self.is_cell_exit} \ counter: {self.counter}"
[docs] def reset_counter(self): self.counter = 0
@property def is_cell_entry(self): return self.counter == 0 @property def is_cell_exit(self): return self.counter == self.max_count @property def speed(self): return self._speed @property def max_count(self): return _calc_max_count(self._speed)
[docs] def to_dict(self): return {"speed": self._speed, "counter": self.counter}
[docs] def from_dict(self, load_dict): self._speed = load_dict['speed'] self.counter = load_dict['counter']
def __eq__(self, other): return self._speed == other._speed and self.counter == other.counter