flatland.envs.rail_env_utils module

flatland.envs.rail_env_utils module#

flatland.envs.rail_env_utils.env_generator(n_agents: int = 7, x_dim: int = 30, y_dim: int = 30, n_cities: int = 2, max_rail_pairs_in_city: int = 4, grid_mode: bool = False, max_rails_between_cities: int = 2, malfunction_duration_min: int = 20, malfunction_duration_max: int = 50, malfunction_interval: int = 540, speed_ratios: Dict[float, float] | None = None, seed: int = 42, obs_builder_object: ObservationBuilder | None = None) RailEnv[source]#

Create an env with a given spec using sparse_rail_generator. Defaults are taken from Flatland 3 Round 2 Test_0, see `Environment Configurations <https://flatland.aicrowd.com/challenges/flatland3/envconfig.html`_. Parameters name come from metadata.csv in debug-environments.zip


n_agents: int

number of agents

x_dim: int

number of columns

y_dim: int

number of rows

n_cities: int

Max number of cities to build. The generator tries to achieve this numbers given all the parameters. Goes into sparse_rail_generator.

max_rail_pairs_in_city: int

Number of parallel tracks in the city. This represents the number of tracks in the train stations. Goes into sparse_rail_generator.

grid_mode: bool

How to distribute the cities in the path, either equally in a grid or random. Goes into sparse_rail_generator.

max_rails_between_cities: int

Max number of rails connecting to a city. This is only the number of connection points at city boarder.

malfunction_duration_min: int

Minimal duration of malfunction. Goes into ParamMalfunctionGen.

malfunction_duration_max: int

Max duration of malfunction. Goes into ParamMalfunctionGen.

malfunction_interval: int

Inverse of rate of malfunction occurrence. Goes into ParamMalfunctionGen.

speed_ratios: Dict[float, float]

Speed ratios of all agents. They are probabilities of all different speeds and have to add up to 1. Goes into sparse_line_generator. Defaults to {1.0: 0.25, 0.5: 0.25, 0.33: 0.25, 0.25: 0.25}.

seed: int

Initiate random seed generators. Goes into reset.

obs_builder_object: Optional[ObservationBuilder]

Defaults to TreeObsForRailEnv(max_depth=3, predictor=ShortestPathPredictorForRailEnv(max_depth=50))



The generated environment reset with the given seed.

flatland.envs.rail_env_utils.load_flatland_environment_from_file(file_name: str, load_from_package: str | None = None, obs_builder_object: ObservationBuilder | None = None, record_steps=False) RailEnv[source]#



The pickle file.


The python module to import from. Example: ‘env_data.tests’ This requires that there are __init__.py files in the folder structure we load the file from.

obs_builder_object: ObservationBuilder

The obs builder for the RailEnv that is created.



The environment loaded from the pickle file.