import copy
import re
import svgutils
from flatland.core.grid.rail_env_grid import RailEnvTransitions
class SVG(object):
def __init__(self, sfName=None, svgETree=None):
if sfName is not None:
self.svg = svgutils.transform.fromfile(sfName)
elif svgETree is not None:
self.svg = svgETree
expr = "//*[local-name() = $name]"
self.eStyle = self.svg.root.xpath(expr, name="style")[0]
ltMatch = re.findall(r".st([a-zA-Z0-9]+)[{]([^}]*)}", self.eStyle.text)
self.dStyles = dict(ltMatch)
def copy(self):
new_svg = copy.deepcopy(self.svg)
return SVG(svgETree=new_svg)
def merge(self, svg2):
svg3 = svg2.copy()
svg3.eStyle.text = self.eStyle.text + "\n" + svg3.eStyle.text
for child in self.svg.root:
if not child.tag.endswith("style"):
return svg3
def renumber_styles(self, offset=10):
sNewStyles = "\n"
for sStyle in self.dStyles.keys():
iStyle = int(sStyle)
sClass = "st{:}".format(iStyle)
lEl = self.svg.root.xpath("//*[@class='{}']".format(sClass))
for el in lEl:
el.attrib["class"] = "st{}".format(iStyle + offset)
sStyle2 = str(iStyle + offset)
sNewStyle = "\" + sStyle2 + "{" + self.dStyles[sStyle] + "}\n"
sNewStyles += sNewStyle
self.eStyle.text = sNewStyles
def set_style_color(self, style_name, color):
sNewStyles = "\n"
for sKey, sValue in self.dStyles.items():
if sKey == style_name:
sValue = "fill:#" + "".join([('{:#04x}'.format(int(255.0 * col))[2:4]) for col in color[0:3]]) + ";"
sNewStyle = "\" + sKey + "{" + sValue + "}\n"
sNewStyles += sNewStyle
self.eStyle.text = sNewStyles
def set_rotate(self, angle):
self.svg.root.attrib["transform"] = "rotate({}, 120, 120)".format(angle)
def to_string(self):
return self.svg.to_str().decode("utf-8")
class Zug(object):
def __init__(self, iDir=0):
self.svg_straight = SVG("svg/Zug_Gleis_#0091ea.svg")
self.svg_curve1 = SVG("svg/Zug_1_Weiche_#0091ea.svg")
self.svg_curve2 = SVG("svg/Zug_2_Weiche_#0091ea.svg")
def getSvg(self, iAgent, iDirIn, iDirOut, color=None):
delta_dir = (iDirOut - iDirIn) % 4
if delta_dir in (0, 2):
svg = self.svg_straight.copy()
svg.set_rotate(iDirIn * 90)
if delta_dir == 1: # bend to right, eg N->E, E->S
svg = self.svg_curve1.copy()
svg.set_rotate((iDirIn - 1) * 90)
elif delta_dir == 3: # bend to left, eg N->W
svg = self.svg_curve2.copy()
svg.set_rotate(iDirIn * 90)
if color is not None:
svg.set_style_color("2", color)
return svg
class Track(object):
""" Class to load and hold SVG track images.
Creates a mapping between
- cell entry and exit directions (ie transitions), and
- specific images provided by the SBB graphic artist.
The directions and images are also rotated by 90, 180 & 270 degrees.
(There is some redundancy in this process, given the images provided)
def __init__(self):
dFiles = {
"": "Background_#9CCB89.svg",
"WE": "Gleis_Deadend.svg",
"WW EE NN SS": "Gleis_Diamond_Crossing.svg",
"WW EE": "Gleis_horizontal.svg",
"EN SW": "Gleis_Kurve_oben_links.svg",
"WN SE": "Gleis_Kurve_oben_rechts.svg",
"ES NW": "Gleis_Kurve_unten_links.svg",
"NE WS": "Gleis_Kurve_unten_rechts.svg",
"NN SS": "Gleis_vertikal.svg",
"NN SS EE WW ES NW SE WN": "Weiche_Double_Slip.svg",
"EE WW EN SW": "Weiche_horizontal_oben_links.svg",
"EE WW SE WN": "Weiche_horizontal_oben_rechts.svg",
"EE WW ES NW": "Weiche_horizontal_unten_links.svg",
"EE WW NE WS": "Weiche_horizontal_unten_rechts.svg",
"NN SS EE WW NW ES": "Weiche_Single_Slip.svg",
"NE NW ES WS": "Weiche_Symetrical.svg",
"NN SS EN SW": "Weiche_vertikal_oben_links.svg",
"NN SS SE WN": "Weiche_vertikal_oben_rechts.svg",
"NN SS NW ES": "Weiche_vertikal_unten_links.svg",
"NN SS NE WS": "Weiche_vertikal_unten_rechts.svg"}
self.dSvg = {}
transitions = RailEnvTransitions()
lDirs = list("NESW")
svgBG = SVG("./svg/Background_#9CCB89.svg")
for sTrans, sFile in dFiles.items():
svg = SVG("./svg/" + sFile)
# Translate the ascii transition descption in the format "NE WS" to the
# binary list of transitions as per RailEnv - NESW (in) x NESW (out)
lTrans16 = ["0"] * 16
for sTran in sTrans.split(" "):
if len(sTran) == 2:
iDirIn = lDirs.index(sTran[0])
iDirOut = lDirs.index(sTran[1])
iTrans = 4 * iDirIn + iDirOut
lTrans16[iTrans] = "1"
sTrans16 = "".join(lTrans16)
binTrans = int(sTrans16, 2)
print(sTrans, sTrans16, sFile)
# Merge the transition svg image with the background colour.
# This is a shortcut / hack and will need re-working.
if binTrans > 0:
svg = svg.merge(svgBG)
self.dSvg[binTrans] = svg
# Rotate both the transition binary and the image and save in the dict
for nRot in [90, 180, 270]:
binTrans2 = transitions.rotate_transition(binTrans, nRot)
svg2 = svg.copy()
self.dSvg[binTrans2] = svg2
def main():
zug = Zug()
svg = zug.getSvg(0, 0, 0, color=(255, 0, 0))
if __name__ == "__main__":