from typing import List
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import json
from numpy import array
from collections import OrderedDict
import itertools as it
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from flatland.envs.rail_env import RailEnv
from flatland.envs.agent_utils import EnvAgent
from collections import namedtuple
#from recordclass import recordclass, RecordClass
import copy
from flatland.envs.rail_env import RailEnvActions as REA
""" - Flatland Graph Representation Utilities
This uses the following graph representation:
- Nodes are either grid nodes or rail nodes
- Edges are either grid edges, hold edges or dir edges
- Grid nodes are the grid of cells in the RailEnv
- Rail nodes are the nodes representing the entry direction to a cell
- Grid edges are the edges between grid nodes, to give the grid structure
- Hold edges are the edges between grid nodes and rail nodes, to hold a rail to a grid point,
and to represent the resource occupied by an agent moving in any direction
- Dir edges are the edges between rail nodes, to represent the direction of travel
So a RailEnv cell has a grid node showing its location, and two or more rail nodes, eg for N or S entry.
eg (2,3,0) means row 2, col 3, entry direction north (ie from the south)
See the notebook "Simple-graph-plot-2022.ipynb" for a simple example.
PathInfo = namedtuple("PathInfo", [
"tPath", # path of rcd nodes - row, col, dir
"Gpath" # path as a graph - the induced subgraph of the rcd dir nodes in the main graph
#PathReservation = namedtuple("PathReservation", "nStart nTarget nGridStart nGridTarget lnStep lnPause lnPath lnGridPath lnGridStep")
def trans_int_to_binstr(intTrans):
""" turn a 16 bit transition int into a string of binary with NESW labels;
eg. intTrans=0b1001000000000000
returns "N1001_E0000_S0000_W0000"
sbinTrans = format(intTrans, "#018b")[2:] # 18 bits, eg 0b100000000000000001, remove the 0b
return "_".join(["NESW"[i] + sbinTrans[i*4:(i*4 + 4)] for i in range(0, 4)])
def trans_int_to_4x4(intTrans):
""" Turn a transition into a 4x4 array of 0s and 1s """
arrBytes = np.array([intTrans >> 8, intTrans & 0xff], dtype=np.uint8)
arrBool = np.array(np.zeros((4,4)), dtype=bool)
arrBool = np.unpackbits(arrBytes)
arrBool4x4 = arrBool.reshape((4,4))
return arrBool4x4
def trans_int_to_nesw(intTrans):
""" Turn a transition int into a string list, eg EE, EN, SW, WW """
astrNESW = np.array(list("NESW"))
a2Trans = trans_int_to_4x4(intTrans)
lstrTrans = [
np.char.add(astrNESW[iInDir], astrNESW[np.where(aiOutDirs)[0]])
for iInDir, aiOutDirs in enumerate(a2Trans)
return ",".join(list(np.concatenate(lstrTrans)))
def get_rail_transitions_df(env):
""" Unused """
ll = []
for rowcol, iTrans in np.ndenumerate(env.rail.grid):
ll.append([rowcol, iTrans, trans_int_to_binstr(iTrans), trans_int_to_nesw(iTrans)])
df = pd.DataFrame(ll, columns=["rowcol", "Integer", "Binary", "NESW"])
df = df[df.Integer > 0]
return df
def neighbors(G, nbunch, edge_types=None, outer_edge_types=None):
From a graph G, and nodes nbunch, return the list of nodes who are neighbors
of nbunch via edges of types edge_types. Include those edges, and edges between
the neighbors of type types outer_edge_types, in the second return value.
lnNeighbors = []
if edge_types is not None:
if (type(edge_types) is str):
edge_types = [edge_types]
edge_types = ["grid", "hold", "dir"]
if outer_edge_types is not None:
if (type(outer_edge_types) is str):
outer_edge_types = [outer_edge_types]
outer_edge_types = ["grid", "hold", "dir"]
for u in nbunch:
for v in G.adj[u]:
edge_type = G.adj[u][v]["type"]
if edge_type in edge_types:
# get all the edges from the original nbunch
lEdges = [ (u,v,d) for u,v,d in G.edges(nbunch, data=True) if d["type"] in edge_types]
Gneighbours = G.subgraph(lnNeighbors)
# now get the edges between the neighbours
lEdges += [ (u,v,d) for u,v,d in G.edges(lnNeighbors, data=True) if d["type"] in outer_edge_types and (u in Gneighbours) and (v in Gneighbours)]
return lnNeighbors, lEdges
def grid_node_for_rails(G, lnRails):
""" Return the grid nodes for a bunch of rail nodes (eg a path of rail nodes)
# Make a copy without any dummy (0,0,0) nodes
lnRails = [ v for v in lnRails if v != (0,0,0) ]
lnGridPath = []
for nRail in lnRails:
# find the grid node for this rail node, from the predecessor along its hold edge.
# Assumes a rail node has only one hold edge.
# nGrid = [ n for n, d in G.pred[nRail].items() if d["type"]=="hold" ][0]
# alternative - looks for a(the) grid-type predessor node. Assumes there is exactly one.
nGrid = [ nPred for nPred in G.pred[nRail] if G.nodes[nPred]["type"] == "grid" ][0]
return lnGridPath
def get_simple_path(G, u):
""" Follow a linear path in G starting at u, terminating as soon as there is
more than (or less than) 1 successor, ie when the linear section ends.
The branching node is not included.
visited = OrderedDict()
visited[u] = 1
v = u
while True:
lSucc = list(G.successors(v))
if len(lSucc) != 1:
v = lSucc[0]
if v in visited:
visited[v] = 1
return list(visited.keys())
def plotPath(G:nx.DiGraph, env:RailEnv, aImg, tPath, lvHighlight=None):
lnGrid = grid_node_for_rails(G, tPath)
G5c = nx.induced_subgraph(G, tPath + lnGrid)
if False:
plotGraphEnv(G5c, env, aImg,
show_edges=["all"] ) # ["dir","hold"])
plotGraphEnv(G5c, env, aImg, figsize=(10,10), node_size=10,
node_colors={"rail":"blue", "grid":"red"},
edge_colors={"hold":"gray", "dir":"green"},
show_nodes=("rail", "grid"),
#[ (n,d) for n,d in G5c.nodes(data=True) if d["type"]=="grid" ]
def plotGraphEnv(G, env:RailEnv, aImg, space=0.3, figsize=(8,8),
show_labels=(), show_edges=("dir"),
show_nodes="all", node_colors=None, edge_colors=None,
# NESW directions in xy coords
xyDir = array([[0,1], [1,0], [0,-1], [-1,0]])
# Rotate the xyDir 90 deg to create visual offsets for the rail nodes,
# eg for a N dir node, the offset needs to be E of the grid node.
xy2 = array([xyDir[(i+1) % 4,:] for i in range(4)])
if figsize is not None:
rows, cols = env.rail.grid.shape
plt.imshow(aImg, extent=(-.5,cols-.5,.5-rows,0.5), alpha=alpha_img)
if show_nodes == "all":
nodelist = G.nodes()
nodelist = [ n for n,d in G.nodes(data=True) if d["type"] in show_nodes]
if node_colors is None:
node_colors = {"grid":"red", "rail":"lightblue"}
if edge_colors is None:
edge_colors = {"grid":"gray", "hold":"blue", "dir":"green"}
edgelist = [(u, v) for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True) if d["type"] in show_edges]
dnDat = G.nodes(data=True)
deDat = {(u, v): d for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True) if d["type"] in show_edges}
dnxyPos = {n:(
n[1] if len(n)==2 else n[1] - space * xy2[n[2],0],
-n[0] if len(n)==2 else -n[0] - space * xy2[n[2],1] )
for n in G.nodes()}
labels={n:str(n) for n,d in G.nodes(data=True) if d["type"] in show_labels},
node_color=[ node_colors[dnDat[n]["type"]] for n in nodelist],
edge_color=[edge_colors[deDat[(u,v)]["type"]] for u,v in edgelist],
if show_edge_weights:
labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G,'l')
labels2 = { (uv[0], uv[1]):l for uv,l in labels.items() if l>1}
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, dnxyPos, edge_labels=labels2)
# plot initial, target positions
rcStarts = np.array([ agent.initial_position for agent in env.agents ])
xyStarts = np.matmul(rcStarts, [[0,-1],[1,0]])
rcTargs = np.array([ for agent in env.agents ])
xyTargs = np.matmul(rcTargs, [[0,-1],[1,0]])
# Cyan Square for starts, Red Triangle for targets
plt.scatter(*xyStarts.T, s=200, marker="s", facecolor="cyan", edgecolor="black")
plt.scatter(*xyTargs.T, s=200, marker="^", facecolor="red", edgecolor="black")
# make dict of list of initial, target pos
dlIPos = {}
dlTPos = {}
for agent in env.agents:
liAgent = dlIPos.get(agent.initial_position, []) + [agent.handle]
dlIPos[agent.initial_position] = liAgent
liAgent = dlTPos.get(, []) + [agent.handle]
dlTPos[] = liAgent
# Write the agent numbers for each initial, target pos
for rcPos, liAgent in dlIPos.items():
plt.annotate(",".join(map(str, liAgent)), (rcPos[1], -rcPos[0]+0.4))
for rcPos, liAgent in dlTPos.items():
plt.annotate(",".join(map(str, liAgent)), (rcPos[1], -rcPos[0]-0.6))
#plt.annotate(str(iAgent), (rcPos[1]+i*0.3, -rcPos[0]-0.6))
if lvHighlight is not None:
xyV = np.matmul(array(lvHighlight), [[0,-1],[1,0]])
plt.scatter(*xyV.T, s=900, marker="s", facecolor="none", edgecolor="red")
def getPathsForArrivalDirs(G, rcdStart, rcTarg):
""" (recent addition) return the oPI for the shortest path(s) from the start to target.
Returns a list of paths, one for each feasible arrival direction at the target
(usually returns a list of two paths).
lrcdTarg = []
# check the start grid node is in the graph
if rcdStart in G and rcTarg in G:
lvNeighbours = list(G.neighbors(rcTarg))
for vNbr in lvNeighbours:
if len(vNbr)==3: # rail nodes
print("Start / targ not in graph:", rcdStart, rcTarg)
rLen = 9e9
lPI = []
for rcdTarg in lrcdTarg:
lnPath = nx.algorithms.shortest_path(G, source=rcdStart, target=rcdTarg)
except nx.exception.NetworkXNoPath:
Gpath = nx.induced_subgraph(G, lnPath)
pathLen = Gpath.size(weight="l")
if (pathLen < rLen):
rLen = pathLen
oPI = PathInfo(rcdStart, rcdTarg, pathLen, lnPath, Gpath)
return lPI
def getHammockFromPath(G, oPI:PathInfo, endSkip=0, ratioMax = 10.) -> List:
""" Get the hammock of paths from a single PathInfo
lPathInfo = []
# Get the shortest path and record it in the lists
Gpath = nx.induced_subgraph(G, oPI.tPath).copy()
rLenShortest = Gpath.size(weight="l") # try to keep the "l" weight
for iStepStart in range(1, len(oPI.tPath) - endSkip):
tPath2 = oPI.tPath[iStepStart:]
# Start of the path at this point
vRCD = tPath2[0]
# Check number of successors: If not a decision node, skip
if len(G[vRCD]) < 2:
# Find the "deviation" node - the successor node which is NOT on the shortest path
# Next node in the shortest path
vRCD2 = tPath2[1]
lSucc = set(G[vRCD]) # the set of successor rail nodes
lSucc.remove(vRCD2) # remove the next node in the shortest path
vStart2 = lSucc.pop() # retrieve the other choice - the deviation
# Find the shortest path, having followed the deviation
genPath2 = nx.algorithms.shortest_simple_paths(G, vStart2, oPI.nTarget, weight="l")
# join the path up to now, with the deviation (if feasible)
tPath3 = oPI.tPath[:iStepStart+1] + genPath2.__next__()
except nx.NetworkXNoPath as oEx:
Gpath = nx.induced_subgraph(G, tPath3)
rLen = Gpath.size(weight="l")
if rLen / rLenShortest <= ratioMax:
lPathInfo.append(PathInfo(oPI.nStart, oPI.nTarget, rLen, tPath3, Gpath))
lPathInfo.sort(key=lambda x:x.length)
return lPathInfo
def genStartTargetDirs(G, env, shortest=True):
""" find the possible directions for each agent in an env.
Flatland does not currently define an initial direction for an agent -
the agent gets to choose. Nor does it define a final direction.
However some combinations of initial and final direction may not be possible.
This function finds the possible directions.
lGpaths = [] # list of paths as graphs
llnPaths = [] # list of paths as list of nodes (rail nodes + dir edges)
lltStartTarg = [] # [start, target] for each direction permutation
# as list of 2-lists of 3-tuples (rail nodes)
lPI = []
nAgents = len(env.agents)
#print("nAgents:", nAgents)
if True:
for iAgent, agent in enumerate(env.agents[:nAgents]):
nStart = agent.initial_position # grid node (row,col)
iStartDir = agent.initial_direction
nEnd = # grid node
lnStartDir = []
# check the start grid node is in the graph
if nStart in G and nEnd in G:
# Find all the rail node neighbours
lnNeighbours = list(G.neighbors(nStart))
# This finds all the valid start directions from that location
for nNbr in lnNeighbours:
if len(nNbr)==3: # rail nodes are triples, grid nodes are two-ples.
vStartOfficial = (*nStart, iStartDir)
lnEndDir = []
lnNeighbours = list(G.neighbors(nEnd))
for nNbr in lnNeighbours:
if len(nNbr)==3: # rail nodes
if vStartOfficial in lnStartDir:
lnStartDir = [vStartOfficial]
print("ERROR: vStartOfficial not in lnStartDir:", vStartOfficial,
lnStartDir, vStartOfficial in lnStartDir)
#print("agent:", iAgent, nStart, "poss starts:", lnStartDir, nEnd, "poss ends:", lnEndDir)
print("Start / end not in graph:", nStart, nEnd)
lnPathShortest = None
GpathShortest = None
rLen = 9e9
tPathGraphDirs = None
# iterate all the (start dir, end dir) pairs
#for nStartDir in lnStartDir[:]:
# for nEndDir in lnEndDir[:]:
#print("Start Dirs:", lnStartDir)
for (nStartDir, nEndDir) in it.product(lnStartDir, lnEndDir):
lnPath = nx.algorithms.shortest_path(G, source=nStartDir, target=nEndDir)
except nx.exception.NetworkXNoPath:
#print("No path:", nStartDir, nEndDir)
Gpath = nx.induced_subgraph(G, lnPath)
pathLen = Gpath.size(weight="l")
#print("Path nodes:", len(lnPath), " total len:", pathLen)
if (pathLen < rLen):
rLen = pathLen
#lnPathShortest = lnPath
#GpathShortest = Gpath
tPathGraphDirs = (lnPath, Gpath, nStartDir, nEndDir)
oPathInfo = PathInfo(nStartDir, nEndDir, pathLen, lnPath, Gpath)
return lGpaths, llnPaths, lltStartTarg
def plotResourceUsage(G, llnPaths,
llnAltPaths=None, # not yet used
nSteps=500, nStepsShow=200,
figsize=(20,8), twostep=False, node_ticks=False, agent_increment=False, vmax=3,
grid=True, cmap=None):
""" Create two reservation tables:
- dResource - dict[grid node] -> resource usage at step t (0,1,...)
- dg2Dirs - dict[grid node] -> NESW x bool usage at step t (0 or 1)
Plots an Ibry (or Ibry-Serjev?) diagram of resource usage through time.
# Infer the grid paths for the rail paths
llnGridPaths = []
for lnPath in llnPaths:
lnGridPath = grid_node_for_rails(G, lnPath)
# lnGridPath = []
# for n in lnPath:
# # find the grid node for this rail node
# nGrid = [ n for n, d in G.pred[n].items() if d["type"]=="hold" ][0]
# lnGridPath.append(nGrid)
# the grid nodes, each with a vector of utilisation through time
dResource = OrderedDict()
# For each grid node, a list of direction nodes used, ie grid node -> [rail nodes]
dlRails = OrderedDict()
# For each grid node, a matrix of 4 vectors of 0/1 utilisation, T x NESW
# (not really NESW, but a list of rail nodes in order of first discovery)
dg2Dirs = OrderedDict()
for iPath, (lnGridPath, lnPath) in enumerate(list(zip(llnGridPaths, llnPaths))[:]):
# Create a resource for each grid node n
# increment a counter for each step it is occupied by this agent
for i in range(len(lnGridPath)):
nGrid = lnGridPath[i]
nRail = lnPath[i]
if nGrid not in dResource:
dResource[nGrid] = np.zeros(nSteps)
dlRails[nGrid] = [nRail] # list of rail nodes used for entry
dg2Dirs[nGrid] = np.zeros((nSteps, 4)) # timesteps x "directions" (really, entry nodes)
#print(n, nRail)
# Ensure we have stored the rail node used for this grid node
if nRail not in dlRails[nGrid]:
iRail = dlRails[nGrid].index(nRail)
# node data for n, the grid node
d = G.nodes()[nGrid]
if "l" in d:
weight = d["l"]
weight = 1
g2Dirs = dg2Dirs[nGrid]
#print(iPath, n, weight, nRail, iRail)
# fill in the utilisations for "longer" nodes (contracted paths)
for t2 in range(t, t+weight):
# increment the resource utilisation
if agent_increment:
inc = iPath+1
inc = 1
dResource[nGrid][t2] += inc
# Increment the direction utilisation
g2Dirs[t2, iRail] += 1
t += weight
a2ResSteps = np.stack(list(dResource.values()))
a3ResDirSteps = np.stack(list(dg2Dirs.values()))
a2ResDirSteps = np.count_nonzero(a3ResDirSteps[:,:,:], axis=2)
if cmap is None:
cmap = cm.get_cmap("viridis")
if not contradir:
plt.imshow(a2ResSteps[:nResources,:nStepsShow], aspect="auto", vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap)
plt.title("Rail Resource usage through time")
plt.imshow(a2ResDirSteps[:nResources,:nStepsShow], aspect="auto", vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap)
plt.xticks(range(0, nStepsShow, 5))
plt.title("Contra-Directional Rail Resource usage through time")
plt.xlabel("Time steps into the future")
plt.ylabel("Resource index")
if grid:
if node_ticks:
plt.yticks(range(len(dResource))[:nResources], labels=list(dResource.keys())[:nResources])
return dResource, dlRails, dg2Dirs
def hammockPaths(G, nStart, nTarget, endSkip=0, preamble=True, ratioMax=10):
""" Return the "diversion" paths generated by taking the diversion at each junction
along the shortest path, and following the shortest path from there.
preamble: include preamble leading up to the decision point
#lGpaths = []
llnPaths = []
lPathInfo = []
# print("Start, End:", nStart, nEnd)
# This is a generator of paths (shortest first)
genPath = nx.algorithms.shortest_simple_paths(G, nStart, nTarget)
# genPath = nx.algorithms.all_simple_paths(G, nStart, nEnd)
# Walk along the shortest path
for iPath, tPath in enumerate(genPath):
# We only want the first ie shortest path
if iPath >= 1: break
# array of rail nodes in the path: node index x 3 coords (row, col, dir)
g2Path = array(tPath)
# plt.scatter(g2Path[:, 1], -g2Path[:, 0], label=str(len(tPath)))
# Get the shortest path and record it in the lists
Gpath = nx.induced_subgraph(G, tPath).copy()
rLenShortest = Gpath.size(weight="l")
lPathInfo.append(PathInfo(nStart, nTarget, rLenShortest, tPath, Gpath))
for iStepStart in range(1, len(tPath) - endSkip):
tPath2 = tPath[iStepStart:]
# Start of the path at this point
n = tPath2[0]
# Check number of successors: If not a decision node, skip
if len(G[n]) < 2:
# print("Choices at step {} - {}".format(iStepStart, len(G[n])))
# Find the "deviation" node - the successor node which is NOT on the shortest path
# Next node in the shortest path
n2 = tPath2[1]
#print(n, n2, G[n])
lSucc = set(G[n]) # the set of successor rail nodes
lSucc.remove(n2) # remove the next node in the shortest path
nStart2 = lSucc.pop() # retrieve the other choice - the deviation
# Find the shortest path, having followed the deviation
genPath2 = nx.algorithms.shortest_simple_paths(G, nStart2, nTarget, weight="l")
if preamble:
tPath3 = tPath[:iStepStart+1] + genPath2.__next__()
except nx.NetworkXNoPath as oEx:
#print(f"skipping alternative because no path to target - current {n} next {n2} deviation {nStart2}")
tPath3 = [n] + genPath2.__next__()
#print(tPath3[0], tPath3[-1])
Gpath = nx.induced_subgraph(G, tPath3)
rLen = Gpath.size(weight="l")
if rLen / rLenShortest <= ratioMax:
lPathInfo.append(PathInfo(nStart, nTarget, rLen, tPath3, Gpath))
lPathInfo.sort(key=lambda x:x.length)
return lPathInfo
#return llnPaths
class RailEnvGraph(object):
Represent a RailEnv with a NetworkX DiGraph:
Node types:
- "grid" nodes, rows x cols, connected in a lattice / grid. eg (2,3)=row2, col3
- "rail" nodes attached to grid nodes, one for each direction.
Edge types:
- "grid" edges between grid nodes, to give the grid structure
- "hold" edges to hold a rail to a grid point,
and to represent the resource occupied by an agent moving in any direction
- "dir" edges (directional) between rail nodes
So a RailEnv cell has a grid node showing its location, and two or more rail nodes
representing the direction of entry,
eg (2,3,0) means row 2, col 3, entry direction north (ie from the south)
An agent moves along "rail" edges between rail nodes, but occupies the whole grid node
ie the whole complex of {grid node - hold edges - rail nodes}
def __init__(self, env):
self.env = env
# Create a grid of nodes matching (isomorphic to) the env rail grid
# we use directed because we need directed edges to represent the agent/train direction
self.G = nx.grid_2d_graph(*env.rail.grid.shape).to_directed()
# give all these nodes and edges a type of grid.
nx.set_node_attributes(self.G, name="type", values="grid")
nx.set_edge_attributes(self.G, name="type", values="grid")
def add_entry_nodes(self):
""" Add a node for each inbound transition to a cell
for rowcol, trans in np.ndenumerate(self.env.rail.grid):
# print(rowcol, type(rowcol), trans, G.node[rowcol])
b44 = trans_int_to_4x4(trans)
# for each inbound direction:
for dirIn in range(4):
# if we can enter in this direction (any exit)
if b44[dirIn].any():
# add a rail node for this entry, with the id (row, col, direction)
t3n_rail = (*rowcol, dirIn)
self.G.add_node(t3n_rail, type="rail")
# add a "hold" edge to the grid node
self.G.add_edge(rowcol, t3n_rail, type="hold")
def add_exit_edges(self):
# a row,col vector for each direction NESW inbound
gDirs = array([[-1,0], [0,1], [1,0], [0,-1]])
# add edges to the direction nodes
for rcIn, trans in np.ndenumerate(self.env.rail.grid):
# print(rowcol, type(rowcol), trans, G.node[rowcol])
if trans > 0:
b44 = trans_int_to_4x4(trans)
for dirIn in range(4):
for dirOut in range(4):
if b44[dirIn, dirOut]:
# get the rowcol of the destination cell
rcOut = tuple(array(rcIn) + gDirs[dirOut])
self.G.add_edge((*rcIn, dirIn), (*rcOut, dirOut), type="dir", l=1)
def set_halts(self):
stHalts = set()
for agent in self.env.agents:
if agent.initial_position is not None:
if is not None:
for tHalt in stHalts:
if tHalt in self.G:
self.G.nodes()[tHalt]["halt"] = True
def graph_rail_grid(self):
""" returns a NX graph of rails only; includes:
- grid nodes with rails
- grid edges between grid nodes along rails (but not between adjacent rails)
- rail nodes
- hold edges
- dir edges
- Grid nodes associated with empty rails
- grid edges with empty grid nodes
G2 = nx.DiGraph()
# Add the rail nodes and their direction edges.
G2.add_nodes_from([(n, d) for n, d in self.G.nodes(data=True)
if d["type"] == "rail"])
G2.add_edges_from([(u, v, d) for u, v, d in self.G.edges(data=True)
if d["type"] == "dir"])
# The "hold" edges are grid->rail
# Copy the grid nodes connected to the rails, setting the type=grid
(u, self.G.nodes[u]) # node, attr dict
for u, v, d in self.G.edges(data=True)
if d["type"]=="hold"
# Copy all the hold edges
G2.add_edges_from([(u,v,d) for u, v, d in self.G.edges(data=True)
if d["type"] == "hold"])
# Include the grid edges which link the grid nodes (but not the grid links to no-rail grid nodes)
# Add the grid edges for the grid nodes we have included: u(grid) -- e(grid) -- v(grid)
# This is no good because it also adds the edges between grid nodes which have rails.
if False:
(u, v, d) for u, v, d in self.G.edges(data=True)
if d["type"] == "grid"
and (u in G2)
and (v in G2)])
# Although we have a nested loop, mostly the inner loop will only execute once
for nRail, dRail in G2.nodes(data=True):
if dRail["type"]=="rail":
# nGrid = [ nGrid for nGrid, d in G2.pred[nRail].items() if d["type"]=="hold" ][0]
# alternatively, we simply remove the "direction" from the node id 3-tuple:
nGrid = nRail[:2]
# successors to rail nodes are always rail nodes joined by a dir edge
# there may be more than 1
for nRail2 in G2.succ[nRail]:
# Now get the grid node for the other rail node:
nGrid2 = nRail2[:2]
#print("add edge:", nGrid, nGrid2)
return G2
def reduce_simple_paths(self):
Reduce *linear* paths, ie unbranched chains, into a single node,
preserving length in the dir edges "l" property,
and also in an "l" property of (contracted) grid nodes.
This function seems unnecessarily complicated!
Possibly a result of the data/graph model, or maybe naive coding.
After this, rail nodes may end up connected to different grid nodes via their hold edge. (Not sure how)
# Get the grid + rail nodes only, ie remove empty cells.
G2 = self.graph_rail_grid()
# G3 is just the grid nodes for cells with rails
G3 = nx.induced_subgraph(G2, [ n for n, d in G2.nodes(data=True) if d["type"]=="grid" ])
# It seems we need to copy a subgraph to really get rid of the unwanted nodes
G3b = G3.copy()
# G4 is a subgraph consisting only of the grid nodes with only 2 neighbours
# (degree is 4 because undirected edges in a DiGraph are counted twice)
lnGridSimple = [ n for n, d in G3b.nodes(data=True) if ([n]==4) and ("halt" not in d) ]
G4 = G3b.subgraph(lnGridSimple) # copies the nodes + data, and the (grid) edges + data.
# Get the rail nodes (held by hold edges) and edges and their dir edges
lnRails, lEdges = neighbors(G2, G4.nodes(), edge_types="hold", outer_edge_types="dir")
G4d = G4.copy()
# Add these into G4d
#G4d.add_nodes_from(G2.subgraph(lnRails)) # doesn't copy data
# lnRails just has the node ids; use subgraph and .nodes to pull the data from G2.
G3c = G3b.copy() # grid nodes
G4e = G4d.copy() # the simple paths augmented with rails
G5 = G2.copy() # the full graph, mutable, so we can remove things:
#print (
# Iterate over all the linear paths (which are disconnected from each other in G4)
for nSet in nx.components.strongly_connected_components(G4): # G4 is the grid simple paths
#print("comp:", nSet)
# Don't contract simple paths of length 1
if len(nSet)==1:
igComp = nx.induced_subgraph(G4,nSet)
# The "inner" nodes (degree=4) excluding the ends (degree=2)
lnInner = [ n for n,d in if d==4 ]
#print("inner:", lnInner)
#igCompRail = nx.induced_subgraph(G4d, )
#lnInnerRails = [ n for n,d in nx.induce]
# Find the ends of the chain of grid nodes by their degree of 2
# (The undirected edges created in the grid are counted twice in this DiGraph)
lnEnds = [ n for n,d in if d==2 ]
#print("ends:", lnEnds)
# Remove the inner Grid nodes
# This removes the grid nodes but not the rail nodes...
# Find the start and end of the two rail paths (one in each direction)
# corresponding to the grid path
lnPathStart = []
lnPathEnd = []
# We now need to remove both directions of rail nodes.
# First find the start and end of each rail chain.
# look at each end of this grid path
for grid_end in lnEnds:
#grid_end = lnEnds[0] # look at the first end
#print("grid_end", grid_end)
# Look at all the adjacent nodes to this (grid) end
for rail_end in G4e.adj[grid_end]: # look at the rail at this end
#print("rail_end", rail_end, G4e.adj[grid_end][rail_end])
if G4e.adj[grid_end][rail_end]["type"] == "hold": # select rail, discard grid
outedges = G4e.edges([rail_end])
# If it has 1 outedge, it's the start, otherwise (0) means it's the end
if len(outedges)==1:
#print("outedges", outedges)
#print("pathStart:", lnPathStart)
#print("pathEnd:", lnPathEnd)
lnPathEnd.reverse() # the ends are the opposite order to the starts...
for nPathStart in lnPathStart:
lnPath = get_simple_path(G4d, nPathStart)
#print("lnPath", lnPath)
if len(lnPath)>2:
# Remove the "inner" section of the path (if any)
# Join the start and end of the rail chain into a single node (lnPath[0])
G5 = nx.minors.contracted_nodes(G5, lnPath[0], lnPath[-1], self_loops=False)
# There should just be one outedge
nNext = list(G5.successors(lnPath[0]))[0]
# Record the length of the removed path
G5.edges[lnPath[0], nNext]["l"] = len(lnInner)+2
# Join up (identify, ie make identical) the ends of the grid chain into a single node
G3c = nx.minors.contracted_nodes(G3c, *lnEnds, self_loops=False)
G5 = nx.minors.contracted_nodes(G5, *lnEnds, self_loops=False)
# Record the length of the simple path we have removed
# This records it in the node which will be ignored in shortest path!
# We use it for the length of the track
G5.nodes()[lnEnds[0]]["l"] = len(lnInner)+2
# We need to record it in an edge... but which edge?
# There should just be one outedge
nNext = list(G5.successors(lnEnds[0]))[0]
G5.edges[lnEnds[0], nNext]["l"] = len(lnInner)+2
return G5
def savejson(self, filename="graph.json", bKeepId=True, alt_graph=None):
if alt_graph is None:
G = self.G
G = alt_graph
if bKeepId:
# This version keeps the original id (row, col, dir)
dNodeToIndex = { oNode:str(oNode) for iNode, oNode in enumerate(G.nodes()) }
# d3 doesn't seem to like names like "(0, 1)" (stringified tuples) so use node indices
# This is a dict from the tuple node id (row, col) to its (integer) index
dNodeToIndex = { oNode:iNode for iNode, oNode in enumerate(G.nodes()) }
ldNodes = [{# 'name': dNodeToIndex[oNode],
'id': dNodeToIndex[oNode],
#'title': ( int(iNode) for iNode in oNode ), # elements of tuple
'title': str(oNode),
#"type": np.random.randint(2)
#"type": self.G.node[oNode].get("type")
"type": data["type"],
} for oNode, data in G.nodes(data=True) ]
ldLinks = [{'source': dNodeToIndex[u],
'target': dNodeToIndex[v],
#"type": len(u[1]),
#"type": g.node[u[1]].get("type") # get the type of the node
"type": d["type"] # get the type of the edge
} for u,v,d in G.edges(data=True)]
djG = {'nodes': ldNodes, 'links': ldLinks}
with open(filename, 'w') as fOut:
json.dump(djG, fOut, indent=4,)
### Old code for deletion below.
def calcConflict_unused(G, lPI,
""" Create two reservation tables:
- dResource - dict[grid node] -> resource usage at step t (0,1,...)
- dg2Dirs - dict[grid node] -> NESW x bool usage at step t (0 or 1)
llnPaths = [ oPI.tPath for oPI in lPI ]
# Infer the grid paths for the rail paths
llnGridPaths = []
for oPI in lPI:
lnGridPath = grid_node_for_rails(G, oPI.tPath)
# lnGridPath = []
# for n in lnPath:
# # find the grid node for this rail node
# nGrid = [ n for n, d in G.pred[n].items() if d["type"]=="hold" ][0]
# lnGridPath.append(nGrid)
# the grid nodes, each with a vector of utilisation through time
dResource = OrderedDict()
# For each grid node, a list of direction nodes used, ie grid node -> [rail nodes]
dlRails = OrderedDict()
# For each grid node, a matrix of 4 vectors of 0/1 utilisation, T x NESW
# (not really NESW, but a list of rail nodes in order of first discovery)
dg2Dirs = OrderedDict()
for iPath, (lnGridPath, lnPath) in enumerate(list(zip(llnGridPaths, llnPaths))[:]):
# Create a resource for each grid node n
# increment a counter for each step it is occupied by this agent
for i in range(len(lnGridPath)):
nGrid = lnGridPath[i]
nRail = lnPath[i]
if nGrid not in dResource:
dResource[nGrid] = np.zeros(nSteps)
dlRails[nGrid] = [nRail] # list of rail nodes used for entry
dg2Dirs[nGrid] = np.zeros((nSteps, 4)) # timesteps x "directions" (really, entry nodes)
#print(n, nRail)
# Ensure we have stored the rail node used for this grid node
if nRail not in dlRails[nGrid]:
iRail = dlRails[nGrid].index(nRail)
# node data for n, the grid node
d = G.nodes()[nGrid]
if "l" in d:
weight = d["l"]
weight = 1
g2Dirs = dg2Dirs[nGrid]
#print(iPath, n, weight, nRail, iRail)
# fill in the utilisations for "longer" nodes (contracted paths)
for t2 in range(t, t+weight):
# increment the resource utilisation
#if agent_increment:
# inc = iPath+1
# inc = 1
#dResource[nGrid][t2] += inc
dResource[nGrid][t2] += 1
# Increment the direction utilisation
g2Dirs[t2, iRail] += 1
t += weight
a2ResSteps = np.stack(list(dResource.values()))
a3ResDirSteps = np.stack(list(dg2Dirs.values()))
a2ResDirSteps = np.count_nonzero(a3ResDirSteps[:,:,:], axis=2)
return np.sum(a2ResSteps >= 2)