Source code for flatland.evaluators.service

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function

import glob
import itertools
import json
import os
import pickle
import random
import re
import shutil
import time
import traceback

import crowdai_api
import msgpack
import msgpack_numpy as m
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import redis
import timeout_decorator
import yaml

import flatland
from flatland.envs.persistence import RailEnvPersister
from flatland.envs.step_utils.states import TrainState
from flatland.evaluators import aicrowd_helpers
from flatland.evaluators import messages
from flatland.utils.rendertools import RenderTool

use_signals_in_timeout = True
if == 'nt':
    Windows doesnt support signals, hence
    timeout_decorators usually fall apart.
    Hence forcing them to not using signals
    whenever using the timeout decorator.
    use_signals_in_timeout = False




# Don't proceed to next Test if the previous one didn't reach this mean completion percentage

# After this number of consecutive timeouts, kill the submission:
# this probably means the submission has crashed

debug_mode = (os.getenv("AICROWD_DEBUG_SUBMISSION", 0) == 1)
if debug_mode:
    print("=" * 20)
    print("Submission in DEBUG MODE! will get limited time")
    print("=" * 20)

# 8 hours (will get debug timeout from env variable if applicable)
OVERALL_TIMEOUT = int(os.getenv(
    2 * 60 * 60))

# 10 mins
    10 * 60))

# 10 seconds
PER_STEP_TIMEOUT = int(os.getenv(

# 5 min - applies to the rest of the commands
    5 * 60))


SUPPORTED_CLIENT_VERSIONS = os.getenv("SUPPORTED_CLIENT_VERSIONS", "").split(",") + [flatland.__version__]

TEST_ID_FILTER = os.getenv("TEST_ID_FILTER", None)

[docs] class FlatlandRemoteEvaluationService: """ A remote evaluation service which exposes the following interfaces of a RailEnv : - env_create - env_step and an additional `env_submit` to cater to score computation and on-episode-complete post-processings. This service is designed to be used in conjunction with `FlatlandRemoteClient` and both the service and client maintain a local instance of the RailEnv instance, and in case of any unexpected divergences in the state of both the instances, the local RailEnv instance of the `FlatlandRemoteEvaluationService` is supposed to act as the single source of truth. Both the client and remote service communicate with each other via Redis as a message broker. The individual messages are packed and unpacked with `msgpack` (a patched version of msgpack which also supports numpy arrays). """ def __init__( self, test_env_folder=None, flatland_rl_service_id=FLATLAND_RL_SERVICE_ID, remote_host=os.getenv("redis_ip", ''), remote_port=6379, remote_db=0, remote_password=None, visualize=False, video_generation_envs=[], report=None, verbose=False, action_dir=None, episode_dir=None, analysis_data_dir=None, merge_dir=None, use_pickle=False, shuffle=False, missing_only=False, result_output_path=None, disable_timeouts=False ): # Episode recording properties self.action_dir = action_dir if action_dir and not os.path.exists(self.action_dir): os.makedirs(self.action_dir) with open(os.path.join(self.action_dir, 'seed.yml'), 'w') as outfile: yaml.dump({"RANDOM_SEED": RANDOM_SEED}, outfile, default_flow_style=False) self.episode_dir = episode_dir if episode_dir and not os.path.exists(self.episode_dir): os.makedirs(self.episode_dir) self.analysis_data_dir = analysis_data_dir if analysis_data_dir and not os.path.exists(self.analysis_data_dir): os.makedirs(self.analysis_data_dir) self.merge_dir = merge_dir if merge_dir and not os.path.exists(self.merge_dir): os.makedirs(self.merge_dir) self.use_pickle = use_pickle self.missing_only = missing_only self.episode_actions = [] self.disable_timeouts = disable_timeouts if self.disable_timeouts: print("=" * 20) print("Timeout are DISABLED!") print("=" * 20) if shuffle: print("=" * 20) print("Env shuffling is ENABLED! not suitable for infinite wave") print("=" * 20) print("=" * 20) print("Max pre-planning time:", INTIAL_PLANNING_TIMEOUT) print("Max step time:", PER_STEP_TIMEOUT) print("Max overall time:", OVERALL_TIMEOUT) print("Max submission startup time:", DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT) print("Max consecutive timeouts:", MAX_SUCCESSIVE_TIMEOUTS) print("=" * 20) # Test Env folder Paths if test_env_folder is not None: self.test_env_folder = test_env_folder else: self.test_env_folder = os.getenv( 'AICROWD_TESTS_FOLDER', '/tmp' ) self.video_generation_envs = video_generation_envs self.env_file_paths = self.get_env_filepaths() print(self.env_file_paths) # Shuffle all the env_file_paths for more exciting videos # and for more uniform time progression if shuffle: random.shuffle(self.env_file_paths) print(self.env_file_paths) self.instantiate_evaluation_metadata() # Logging and Reporting related vars self.verbose = verbose = report # Use a state to swallow and ignore any steps after an env times out. self.state_env_timed_out = False # Count the number of successive timeouts (will kill after MAX_SUCCESSIVE_TIMEOUTS) # This prevents a crashed submission to keep running forever self.timeout_counter = 0 # Results are the metrics: percent done, rewards, timing... self.result_output_path = result_output_path # Communication Protocol Related vars self.namespace = "flatland-rl" self.service_id = flatland_rl_service_id self.command_channel = "{}::{}::commands".format( self.namespace, self.service_id ) self.error_channel = "{}::{}::errors".format( self.namespace, self.service_id ) # Message Broker related vars self.remote_host = remote_host self.remote_port = remote_port self.remote_db = remote_db self.remote_password = remote_password self.instantiate_redis_connection_pool() # AIcrowd evaluation specific vars self.oracle_events = self.evaluation_state = { "state": "PENDING", "progress": 0.0, "simulation_count": 0, "total_simulation_count": len(self.env_file_paths), "score": { "score": 0.0, "score_secondary": 0.0 }, "meta": { "normalized_reward": 0.0 } } self.stats = {} self.previous_command = { "type": None } # RailEnv specific variables self.env = False self.env_renderer = False self.reward = 0 self.simulation_done = True self.simulation_count = -1 self.simulation_env_file_paths = [] self.simulation_rewards = [] self.simulation_rewards_normalized = [] self.simulation_percentage_complete = [] self.simulation_percentage_complete_per_test = {} self.simulation_steps = [] self.simulation_times = [] self.env_step_times = [] self.nb_malfunctioning_trains = [] self.nb_deadlocked_trains = [] self.overall_start_time = 0 self.termination_cause = "No reported termination cause." self.evaluation_done = False self.begin_simulation = False self.current_step = 0 self.current_test = -1 self.current_level = -1 self.visualize = visualize self.vizualization_folder_name = "./.visualizations" self.record_frame_step = 0 if self.visualize: if os.path.exists(self.vizualization_folder_name): print("[WARNING] Deleting already existing visualizations folder at : {}".format( self.vizualization_folder_name )) shutil.rmtree(self.vizualization_folder_name) os.mkdir(self.vizualization_folder_name)
[docs] def update_running_stats(self, key, scalar): """ Computes the running min/mean/max for given param """ mean_key = "{}_mean".format(key) counter_key = "{}_counter".format(key) min_key = "{}_min".format(key) max_key = "{}_max".format(key) try: # Update Mean self.stats[mean_key] = \ ((self.stats[mean_key] * self.stats[counter_key]) + scalar) / (self.stats[counter_key] + 1) # Update min if scalar < self.stats[min_key]: self.stats[min_key] = scalar # Update max if scalar > self.stats[max_key]: self.stats[max_key] = scalar self.stats[counter_key] += 1 except KeyError: self.stats[mean_key] = scalar self.stats[min_key] = scalar self.stats[max_key] = scalar self.stats[counter_key] = 1
[docs] def delete_key_in_running_stats(self, key): """ This deletes a particular key in the running stats dictionary, if it exists """ mean_key = "{}_mean".format(key) counter_key = "{}_counter".format(key) min_key = "{}_min".format(key) max_key = "{}_max".format(key) try: del mean_key del counter_key del min_key del max_key except KeyError: pass
[docs] def get_env_filepaths(self): """ Gathers a list of all available rail env files to be used for evaluation. The folder structure expected at the `test_env_folder` is similar to : . ├── Test_0 │   ├── Level_1.pkl │   ├── ....... │   ├── ....... │   └── Level_99.pkl └── Test_1 ├── Level_1.pkl    ├── .......    ├── ....... └── Level_99.pkl """ env_paths = glob.glob( os.path.join( self.test_env_folder, "*/*.pkl" ) ) # Remove the root folder name from the individual # lists, so that we only have the path relative # to the test root folder env_paths = [os.path.relpath(x, self.test_env_folder) for x in env_paths] # Sort in proper numerical order def get_file_order(filename): test_id, level_id = self.get_env_test_and_level(filename) value = test_id * 1000 + level_id return value env_paths.sort(key=get_file_order) # if requested, only generate actions for those envs which don't already have them if self.merge_dir and self.missing_only: existing_paths = (itertools.chain.from_iterable( [glob.glob(os.path.join(self.merge_dir, f"envs/*.{ext}")) for ext in ["pkl", "mpk"]])) existing_paths = [os.path.relpath(sPath, self.merge_dir) for sPath in existing_paths] env_paths = set(env_paths) - set(existing_paths) if TEST_ID_FILTER is not None: test_ids = set(TEST_ID_FILTER.split(",")) print(test_ids) filtered_env_paths = [] for p in env_paths: for f in test_ids: if p.startswith(f): filtered_env_paths.append(p) break env_paths = filtered_env_paths return env_paths
[docs] def get_env_test_and_level(self, filename): numbers = re.findall(r'\d+', os.path.relpath(filename)) if len(numbers) == 2: test_id = int(numbers[0]) level_id = int(numbers[1]) else: print(numbers) raise ValueError("Unexpected file path, expects 'Test_<N>/Level_<M>.pkl', found", filename) return test_id, level_id
[docs] def instantiate_evaluation_metadata(self): """ This instantiates a pandas dataframe to record information specific to each of the individual env evaluations. This loads the template CSV with pre-filled information from the provided metadata.csv file, and fills it up with evaluation runtime information. """ self.evaluation_metadata_df = None metadata_file_path = os.path.join( self.test_env_folder, "metadata.csv" ) if os.path.exists(metadata_file_path): self.evaluation_metadata_df = pd.read_csv(metadata_file_path) self.evaluation_metadata_df["filename"] = \ self.evaluation_metadata_df["test_id"] + \ "/" + self.evaluation_metadata_df["env_id"] + ".pkl" self.evaluation_metadata_df = self.evaluation_metadata_df.set_index("filename") # Add custom columns for evaluation specific metrics self.evaluation_metadata_df["reward"] = np.nan self.evaluation_metadata_df["normalized_reward"] = np.nan self.evaluation_metadata_df["percentage_complete"] = np.nan self.evaluation_metadata_df["steps"] = np.nan self.evaluation_metadata_df["simulation_time"] = np.nan self.evaluation_metadata_df["nb_malfunctioning_trains"] = np.nan self.evaluation_metadata_df["nb_deadlocked_trains"] = np.nan # Add client specific columns # TODO: This needs refactoring self.evaluation_metadata_df["controller_inference_time_min"] = np.nan self.evaluation_metadata_df["controller_inference_time_mean"] = np.nan self.evaluation_metadata_df["controller_inference_time_max"] = np.nan else: raise Exception("metadata.csv not found in tests folder ({}). Please use an updated version of the test set.".format(metadata_file_path))
[docs] def update_evaluation_metadata(self): """ This function is called when we move from one simulation to another and it simply tries to update the simulation specific information for the **previous** episode in the metadata_df if it exists. """ if self.evaluation_metadata_df is not None and len(self.simulation_env_file_paths) > 0: last_simulation_env_file_path = self.simulation_env_file_paths[-1] _row = self.evaluation_metadata_df.loc[ last_simulation_env_file_path ] # Add controller_inference_time_metrics # These metrics may be missing if no step was done before the episode finished # generate the lists of names for the stats (input names and output names) sPrefixIn = "current_episode_controller_inference_time_" sPrefixOut = "controller_inference_time_" lsStatIn = [sPrefixIn + sStat for sStat in ["min", "mean", "max"]] lsStatOut = [sPrefixOut + sStat for sStat in ["min", "mean", "max"]] if lsStatIn[0] in self.stats: lrStats = [self.stats[sStat] for sStat in lsStatIn] else: lrStats = [0.0] * len(lsStatIn) lsFields = ("reward, normalized_reward, percentage_complete, " + \ "steps, simulation_time, nb_malfunctioning_trains, nb_deadlocked_trains").split(", ") + \ lsStatOut loValues = [self.simulation_rewards[-1], self.simulation_rewards_normalized[-1], self.simulation_percentage_complete[-1], self.simulation_steps[-1], self.simulation_times[-1], self.nb_malfunctioning_trains[-1], self.nb_deadlocked_trains[-1] ] + lrStats # update the dataframe without the updating-a-copy warning df = self.evaluation_metadata_df df.loc[last_simulation_env_file_path, lsFields] = loValues # _row.reward = self.simulation_rewards[-1] # _row.normalized_reward = self.simulation_rewards_normalized[-1] # _row.percentage_complete = self.simulation_percentage_complete[-1] # _row.steps = self.simulation_steps[-1] # _row.simulation_time = self.simulation_times[-1] # _row.nb_malfunctioning_trains = self.nb_malfunctioning_trains[-1] # _row.controller_inference_time_min = self.stats[ # "current_episode_controller_inference_time_min" # ] # _row.controller_inference_time_mean = self.stats[ # "current_episode_controller_inference_time_mean" # ] # _row.controller_inference_time_max = self.stats[ # "current_episode_controller_inference_time_max" # ] # else: # _row.controller_inference_time_min = 0.0 # _row.controller_inference_time_mean = 0.0 # _row.controller_inference_time_max = 0.0 # self.evaluation_metadata_df.loc[ # last_simulation_env_file_path # ] = _row # Delete this key from the stats to ensure that it # gets computed again from scratch in the next episode self.delete_key_in_running_stats( "current_episode_controller_inference_time") if self.verbose: print(self.evaluation_metadata_df)
[docs] def instantiate_redis_connection_pool(self): """ Instantiates a Redis connection pool which can be used to communicate with the message broker """ if self.verbose or print("Attempting to connect to redis server at {}:{}/{}".format( self.remote_host, self.remote_port, self.remote_db)) self.redis_pool = redis.ConnectionPool( host=self.remote_host, port=self.remote_port, db=self.remote_db, password=self.remote_password ) self.redis_conn = redis.Redis(connection_pool=self.redis_pool)
[docs] def get_redis_connection(self): """ Obtains a new redis connection from a previously instantiated redis connection pool """ return self.redis_conn
def _error_template(self, payload): """ Simple helper function to pass a payload as a part of a flatland comms error template. """ _response = {} _response['type'] = messages.FLATLAND_RL.ERROR _response['payload'] = payload return _response
[docs] def get_next_command(self): """ A helper function to obtain the next command, which transparently also deals with things like unpacking of the command from the packed message, and consider the timeouts, etc when trying to fetch a new command. """ COMMAND_TIMEOUT = DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT """ Handle case specific timeouts : - INTIAL_PLANNING_TIMEOUT The timeout between an env_create call and the first env_step call - PER_STEP_TIMEOUT The timeout between two consecutive env_step calls """ if self.previous_command['type'] == messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_CREATE: """ In case the previous command is an env_create, then leave a but more time for the intial planning """ COMMAND_TIMEOUT = INTIAL_PLANNING_TIMEOUT elif self.previous_command['type'] == messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_STEP: """ Use the per_step_time for all timesteps between two env_step calls # Corner Case : - Are there any reasons why a call between the last env_step call and the subsequent env_create call will take an excessively large amount of time (>5s in this case) """ COMMAND_TIMEOUT = PER_STEP_TIMEOUT elif self.previous_command['type'] == messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_SUBMIT: """ If the user has already done an env_submit call, then the timeout can be an arbitrarily large number. """ COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 10 ** 6 if self.disable_timeouts: COMMAND_TIMEOUT = None @timeout_decorator.timeout(COMMAND_TIMEOUT, use_signals=use_signals_in_timeout) # timeout for each command def _get_next_command(command_channel, _redis): """ A low level wrapper for obtaining the next command from a pre-agreed command channel. At the momment, the communication protocol uses lpush for pushing in commands, and brpop for reading out commands. """ command = _redis.brpop(command_channel)[1] return command # try: if True: _redis = self.get_redis_connection() command = _get_next_command(self.command_channel, _redis) if self.verbose or print("Command Service: ", command) if self.use_pickle: command = pickle.loads(command) else: command = msgpack.unpackb( command, object_hook=m.decode, strict_map_key=False, # msgpack 1.0 ) if self.verbose: print("Received Request : ", command) message_queue_latency = time.time() - command["timestamp"] self.update_running_stats("message_queue_latency", message_queue_latency) return command
[docs] def send_response(self, _command_response, command, suppress_logs=False): _redis = self.get_redis_connection() command_response_channel = command['response_channel'] if self.verbose and not suppress_logs: print("Responding with : ", _command_response) if self.use_pickle: sResponse = pickle.dumps(_command_response) else: sResponse = msgpack.packb( _command_response, default=m.encode, use_bin_type=True) _redis.rpush(command_response_channel, sResponse)
[docs] def send_error(self, error_dict, suppress_logs=False): """ For out-of-band errors like timeouts, where we do not have a command, so we have no response channel! """ _redis = self.get_redis_connection() print("Sending error : ", error_dict) if self.use_pickle: sResponse = pickle.dumps(error_dict) else: sResponse = msgpack.packb( error_dict, default=m.encode, use_bin_type=True) _redis.rpush(self.error_channel, sResponse)
[docs] def handle_ping(self, command): """ Handles PING command from the client. """ service_version = flatland.__version__ if "version" in command["payload"].keys(): client_version = command["payload"]["version"] else: # 2.1.4 -> when the version mismatch check was added client_version = "2.1.4" _command_response = {} _command_response['type'] = messages.FLATLAND_RL.PONG _command_response['payload'] = {} if client_version not in SUPPORTED_CLIENT_VERSIONS: _command_response['type'] = messages.FLATLAND_RL.ERROR _command_response['payload']['message'] = \ "Client-Server Version Mismatch => " + \ "[ Client Version : {} ] ".format(client_version) + \ "[ Server Version : {} ] ".format(service_version) self.send_response(_command_response, command) raise Exception(_command_response['payload']['message']) self.send_response(_command_response, command)
[docs] def handle_env_create(self, command): """ Handles a ENV_CREATE command from the client """ print(" -- [DEBUG] [env_create] EVAL DONE: ", self.evaluation_done) # Check if the previous episode was finished if not self.simulation_done and not self.evaluation_done: _command_response = self._error_template("CAN'T CREATE NEW ENV BEFORE PREVIOUS IS DONE") self.send_response(_command_response, command) raise Exception(_command_response['payload']) self.simulation_count += 1 self.simulation_done = False if self.simulation_count == 0: # Very first episode: start the overall timer self.overall_start_time = time.time() # reset the timeout flag / state. self.state_env_timed_out = False # Check if we have finished all the available envs print(" -- [DEBUG] [env_create] SIM COUNT: ", self.simulation_count + 1, len(self.env_file_paths)) if self.simulation_count >= len(self.env_file_paths): self.evaluation_done = True # Hack - just ensure these are set test_env_file_path = self.env_file_paths[self.simulation_count - 1] env_test, env_level = self.get_env_test_and_level(test_env_file_path) else: test_env_file_path = self.env_file_paths[self.simulation_count] env_test, env_level = self.get_env_test_and_level(test_env_file_path) # Did we just finish a test, and if yes did it reach high enough mean percentage done? if self.current_test != env_test and self.simulation_count > 0: if self.current_test not in self.simulation_percentage_complete_per_test: print("No environment was finished at all during test {}!".format(self.current_test)) mean_test_complete_percentage = 0.0 else: mean_test_complete_percentage = np.mean(self.simulation_percentage_complete_per_test[self.current_test]) if mean_test_complete_percentage < TEST_MIN_PERCENTAGE_COMPLETE_MEAN: print("=" * 15) msg = "The mean percentage of done agents during the last Test ({} environments) was too low: {:.3f} < {}".format( len(self.simulation_percentage_complete_per_test[self.current_test]), mean_test_complete_percentage, TEST_MIN_PERCENTAGE_COMPLETE_MEAN ) print(msg, "Evaluation will stop.") self.termination_cause = msg self.evaluation_done = True if self.simulation_count < len(self.env_file_paths) and not self.evaluation_done: """ There are still test envs left that are yet to be evaluated """ print("=" * 15) print("Evaluating {} ({}/{})".format(test_env_file_path, self.simulation_count + 1, len(self.env_file_paths))) test_env_file_path = os.path.join( self.test_env_folder, test_env_file_path ) self.current_test = env_test self.current_level = env_level del self.env self.env, _env_dict = RailEnvPersister.load_new(test_env_file_path) # distance map here? self.begin_simulation = time.time() # Update evaluation metadata for the previous episode self.update_evaluation_metadata() # Start adding placeholders for the new episode self.simulation_env_file_paths.append( os.path.relpath( test_env_file_path, self.test_env_folder )) # relative path self.simulation_rewards.append(0) self.simulation_rewards_normalized.append(0) self.simulation_percentage_complete.append(0) self.simulation_times.append(0) self.simulation_steps.append(0) self.nb_malfunctioning_trains.append(0) self.current_step = 0 _observation, _info = self.env.reset( regenerate_rail=True, regenerate_schedule=True, random_seed=RANDOM_SEED ) if self.visualize: current_env_path = self.env_file_paths[self.simulation_count] if current_env_path in self.video_generation_envs: self.env_renderer = RenderTool(self.env, gl="PILSVG", ) elif self.env_renderer: self.env_renderer = False _command_response = {} _command_response['type'] = messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_CREATE_RESPONSE _command_response['payload'] = {} _command_response['payload']['observation'] = _observation _command_response['payload']['env_file_path'] = self.env_file_paths[self.simulation_count] _command_response['payload']['info'] = _info _command_response['payload']['random_seed'] = RANDOM_SEED else: print(" -- [DEBUG] [env_create] return obs = False (END)") """ All test env evaluations are complete """ _command_response = {} _command_response['type'] = messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_CREATE_RESPONSE _command_response['payload'] = {} _command_response['payload']['observation'] = False _command_response['payload']['env_file_path'] = False _command_response['payload']['info'] = False _command_response['payload']['random_seed'] = False self.send_response(_command_response, command) ##################################################################### # Update evaluation state ##################################################################### elapsed = time.time() - self.overall_start_time progress = np.clip( elapsed / OVERALL_TIMEOUT, 0, 1) mean_reward, mean_normalized_reward, sum_normalized_reward, mean_percentage_complete = self.compute_mean_scores() self.evaluation_state["state"] = "IN_PROGRESS" self.evaluation_state["progress"] = progress self.evaluation_state["simulation_count"] = self.simulation_count self.evaluation_state["score"]["score"] = sum_normalized_reward self.evaluation_state["score"]["score_secondary"] = mean_percentage_complete self.evaluation_state["meta"]["normalized_reward"] = mean_normalized_reward self.evaluation_state["meta"]["termination_cause"] = self.termination_cause self.handle_aicrowd_info_event(self.evaluation_state) self.episode_actions = []
[docs] def handle_env_step(self, command): """ Handles a ENV_STEP command from the client TODO: Add a high level summary of everything thats happening here. """ if self.state_env_timed_out or self.evaluation_done: print("Ignoring step command after timeout.") return _payload = command['payload'] if not self.env: raise Exception("env_client.step called before env_client.env_create() call") if self.env.dones['__all__']: raise Exception( "Client attempted to perform an action on an Env which \ has done['__all__']==True") overall_elapsed = (time.time() - self.overall_start_time) if overall_elapsed > OVERALL_TIMEOUT: msg = "Reached overall time limit: took {:.2f}s, limit is {:.2f}s.".format( overall_elapsed, OVERALL_TIMEOUT ) self.termination_cause = msg self.evaluation_done = True print("=" * 15) print(msg, "Evaluation will stop.") return # else: # print("="*15) # print("{}s left!".format(OVERALL_TIMEOUT - overall_elapsed)) action = _payload['action'] inference_time = _payload['inference_time'] # We record this metric in two keys: # - One for the current episode # - One global self.update_running_stats("current_episode_controller_inference_time", inference_time) self.update_running_stats("controller_inference_time", inference_time) # Perform the step time_start = time.time() _observation, all_rewards, done, info = self.env.step(action) time_diff = time.time() - time_start self.update_running_stats("internal_env_step_time", time_diff) self.current_step += 1 cumulative_reward = sum(all_rewards.values()) self.simulation_rewards[-1] += cumulative_reward self.simulation_steps[-1] += 1 """ The normalized rewards normalize the reward for an episode by dividing the whole reward by max-time-steps allowed in that episode, and the number of agents present in that episode """ self.simulation_rewards_normalized[-1] += \ (cumulative_reward / ( self.env._max_episode_steps * self.env.get_num_agents() )) # We count the number of agents that malfunctioned by checking how many have 1 more steps left before recovery num_malfunctioning = sum(agent.malfunction_handler._malfunction_down_counter == 1 for agent in self.env.agents) if self.verbose and num_malfunctioning > 0: print("Step {}: {} agents have malfunctioned and will recover next step".format(self.current_step, num_malfunctioning)) self.nb_malfunctioning_trains[-1] += num_malfunctioning # record the actions before checking for done if self.action_dir is not None: action = {key: int(val) for key, val in action.items()} self.episode_actions.append(action) # Is the episode over? if done["__all__"]: self.simulation_done = True if self.begin_simulation: # If begin simulation has already been initialized at least once # This adds the simulation time for the previous episode self.simulation_times[-1] = time.time() - self.begin_simulation # Compute percentage complete complete = 0 for i_agent in range(self.env.get_num_agents()): agent = self.env.agents[i_agent] if agent.state == TrainState.DONE: complete += 1 percentage_complete = complete * 1.0 / self.env.get_num_agents() self.simulation_percentage_complete[-1] = percentage_complete # adds 1.0 so we can add them up self.simulation_rewards_normalized[-1] += 1.0 if self.current_test not in self.simulation_percentage_complete_per_test: self.simulation_percentage_complete_per_test[self.current_test] = [] self.simulation_percentage_complete_per_test[self.current_test].append(percentage_complete) print("Percentage for test {}, level {}: {}".format(self.current_test, self.current_level, percentage_complete)) if len(self.env.cur_episode) > 0: g3Ep = np.array(self.env.cur_episode) self.nb_deadlocked_trains.append(np.sum(g3Ep[-1, :, 5])) else: self.nb_deadlocked_trains.append(np.nan) print( "Evaluation finished in {} timesteps, {:.3f} seconds. Percentage agents done: {:.3f}. Normalized reward: {:.3f}. Number of malfunctions: {}.".format( self.simulation_steps[-1], self.simulation_times[-1], self.simulation_percentage_complete[-1], self.simulation_rewards_normalized[-1], self.nb_malfunctioning_trains[-1], self.nb_deadlocked_trains[-1] )) print("Total normalized reward so far: {:.3f}".format(sum(self.simulation_rewards_normalized))) # Write intermediate results if self.result_output_path: self.evaluation_metadata_df.to_csv(self.result_output_path) print("Wrote intermediate output results to : {}".format(self.result_output_path)) if self.action_dir is not None: self.save_actions() if self.episode_dir is not None: self.save_episode() if self.analysis_data_dir is not None: self.collect_analysis_data() self.save_analysis_data() if self.merge_dir is not None: self.save_merged_env() # Record Frame if self.visualize: """ Only generate and save the frames for environments which are separately provided in video_generation_indices param """ current_env_path = self.env_file_paths[self.simulation_count] if current_env_path in self.video_generation_envs: self.env_renderer.render_env( show=False, show_observations=False, show_predictions=False, show_rowcols=False ) os.path.join( self.vizualization_folder_name, "flatland_frame_{:04d}.png".format(self.record_frame_step) )) self.record_frame_step += 1
[docs] def save_actions(self): sfEnv = self.env_file_paths[self.simulation_count] sfActions = os.path.join(self.action_dir, sfEnv.replace(".pkl", ".json")) print("env path: ", sfEnv, " actions path:", sfActions) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(sfActions)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(sfActions)) with open(sfActions, "w") as fOut: json.dump(self.episode_actions, fOut) self.episode_actions = []
[docs] def save_episode(self): sfEnv = self.env_file_paths[self.simulation_count] sfEpisode = self.episode_dir + "/" + sfEnv print("env path: ", sfEnv, " sfEpisode:", sfEpisode) RailEnvPersister.save_episode(self.env, sfEpisode)
# self.env.save_episode(sfEpisode)
[docs] def collect_analysis_data(self): ''' Collect data at the END of an episode. Data to be saved in a json file corresponding to the episode. ''' self.analysis_data = {} agent_speeds = [] agent_states = [] agent_earliest_departures = [] agent_latest_arrivals = [] agent_arrival_times = [] agent_shortest_paths = [] # only for nor arrived trains agent_current_delays = [] # only for not arrived trains agent_rewards = list(self.env.rewards_dict.values()) for i_agent in range(self.env.get_num_agents()): agent = self.env.agents[i_agent] agent_speeds.append(agent.speed_counter.speed) agent_states.append(agent.state) agent_earliest_departures.append(agent.earliest_departure) agent_latest_arrivals.append(agent.latest_arrival) agent_arrival_times.append(agent.arrival_time) if (agent.state != TrainState.DONE): sp = agent.get_shortest_path(self.env.distance_map) len_sp = len(sp) if sp is not None else -1 agent_shortest_paths.append(len_sp) agent_current_delays.append(agent.get_current_delay(self.env._elapsed_steps, self.env.distance_map)) else: agent_shortest_paths.append(None) agent_current_delays.append(None) self.analysis_data['agent_speeds'] = agent_speeds self.analysis_data['agent_states'] = agent_states self.analysis_data['agent_earliest_departures'] = agent_earliest_departures self.analysis_data['agent_latest_arrivals'] = agent_latest_arrivals self.analysis_data['agent_arrival_times'] = agent_arrival_times self.analysis_data['agent_shortest_paths'] = agent_shortest_paths self.analysis_data['agent_current_delays'] = agent_current_delays self.analysis_data['agent_rewards'] = agent_rewards
[docs] def save_analysis_data(self): sfEnv = self.env_file_paths[self.simulation_count] sfData = os.path.join(self.analysis_data_dir, sfEnv.replace(".pkl", ".json")) print("env path: ", sfEnv, " data path:", sfData) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(sfData)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(sfData)) with open(sfData, "w") as fOut: json.dump(self.analysis_data, fOut) self.analysis_data = {}
[docs] def save_merged_env(self): sfEnv = self.env_file_paths[self.simulation_count] sfMergeEnv = self.merge_dir + "/" + sfEnv if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(sfMergeEnv)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(sfMergeEnv)) print("Input env path: ", sfEnv, " Merge File:", sfMergeEnv) RailEnvPersister.save_episode(self.env, sfMergeEnv)
# self.env.save_episode(sfMergeEnv)
[docs] def handle_env_submit(self, command): """ Handles a ENV_SUBMIT command from the client TODO: Add a high level summary of everything thats happening here. """ _payload = command['payload'] ###################################################################### # Print Local Stats ###################################################################### print("=" * 100) print("=" * 100) print("## Server Performance Stats") print("=" * 100) for _key in self.stats: if _key.endswith("_mean"): metric_name = _key.replace("_mean", "") mean_key = "{}_mean".format(metric_name) min_key = "{}_min".format(metric_name) max_key = "{}_max".format(metric_name) print("\t - {}\t => min: {} || mean: {} || max: {}".format( metric_name, self.stats[min_key], self.stats[mean_key], self.stats[max_key])) print("=" * 100) # Register simulation time of the last episode self.simulation_times.append(time.time() - self.begin_simulation) # Compute the evaluation metadata for the last episode self.update_evaluation_metadata() if len(self.simulation_rewards) != len(self.env_file_paths) and not self.evaluation_done: raise Exception( """env.submit called before the agent had the chance to operate on all the test environments. """ ) mean_reward, mean_normalized_reward, sum_normalized_reward, mean_percentage_complete = self.compute_mean_scores() if self.visualize and len(os.listdir(self.vizualization_folder_name)) > 0: # Generate the video # # Note, if you had depdency issues due to ffmpeg, you can # install it by : # # conda install -c conda-forge x264 ffmpeg print("Generating Video from thumbnails...") video_output_path, video_thumb_output_path = \ aicrowd_helpers.generate_movie_from_frames( self.vizualization_folder_name ) print("Videos : ", video_output_path, video_thumb_output_path) # Upload to S3 if configuration is available if aicrowd_helpers.is_grading() and aicrowd_helpers.is_aws_configured() and self.visualize: video_s3_key = aicrowd_helpers.upload_to_s3( video_output_path ) video_thumb_s3_key = aicrowd_helpers.upload_to_s3( video_thumb_output_path ) static_thumbnail_s3_key = aicrowd_helpers.upload_random_frame_to_s3( self.vizualization_folder_name ) self.evaluation_state["score"]["media_content_type"] = "video/mp4" self.evaluation_state["score"]["media_large"] = video_s3_key self.evaluation_state["score"]["media_thumbnail"] = video_thumb_s3_key self.evaluation_state["meta"]["static_media_frame"] = static_thumbnail_s3_key else: print("[WARNING] Ignoring uploading of video to S3") ##################################################################### # Save `data` and `action` directories ##################################################################### if self.action_dir: if aicrowd_helpers.is_grading() and aicrowd_helpers.is_aws_configured(): aicrowd_helpers.upload_folder_to_s3(self.action_dir) else: print("[WARNING] Ignoring uploading action_dir to S3") if self.analysis_data_dir: if aicrowd_helpers.is_grading() and aicrowd_helpers.is_aws_configured(): aicrowd_helpers.upload_folder_to_s3(self.analysis_data_dir) else: print("[WARNING] Ignoring uploading analysis_data_dir to S3") ##################################################################### # Write Results to a file (if applicable) ##################################################################### if self.result_output_path: self.evaluation_metadata_df.to_csv(self.result_output_path) print("Wrote output results to : {}".format(self.result_output_path)) # Upload the metadata file to S3 if aicrowd_helpers.is_grading() and aicrowd_helpers.is_aws_configured(): metadata_s3_key = aicrowd_helpers.upload_to_s3( self.result_output_path ) self.evaluation_state["meta"]["private_metadata_s3_key"] = metadata_s3_key _command_response = {} _command_response['type'] = messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_SUBMIT_RESPONSE _payload = {} _payload['mean_reward'] = mean_reward _payload['sum_normalized_reward'] = sum_normalized_reward _payload['mean_percentage_complete'] = mean_percentage_complete _payload['mean_normalized_reward'] = mean_normalized_reward _command_response['payload'] = _payload self.send_response(_command_response, command) ##################################################################### # Update evaluation state ##################################################################### self.evaluation_state["state"] = "FINISHED" self.evaluation_state["progress"] = 1.0 self.evaluation_state["simulation_count"] = self.simulation_count self.evaluation_state["score"]["score"] = sum_normalized_reward self.evaluation_state["score"]["score_secondary"] = mean_percentage_complete self.evaluation_state["meta"]["normalized_reward"] = mean_normalized_reward self.evaluation_state["meta"]["reward"] = mean_reward self.evaluation_state["meta"]["percentage_complete"] = mean_percentage_complete self.evaluation_state["meta"]["termination_cause"] = self.termination_cause self.handle_aicrowd_success_event(self.evaluation_state) if self.result_output_path: evaluation_state_output_path = self.result_output_path.replace(".csv", ".json") if evaluation_state_output_path == self.result_output_path: evaluation_state_output_path = evaluation_state_output_path + ".json" with open(evaluation_state_output_path, "w") as out: json.dump(self.evaluation_state, out) # Upload the evaluation state file to S3 as well if aicrowd_helpers.is_grading() and aicrowd_helpers.is_aws_configured(): evaluation_state_s3_key = aicrowd_helpers.upload_to_s3( evaluation_state_output_path ) self.evaluation_state["meta"]["private_evaluation_state_s3_key"] = evaluation_state_s3_key print("#" * 100) print("EVALUATION COMPLETE !!") print("#" * 100) print("# Mean Reward : {}".format(mean_reward)) print("# Sum Normalized Reward : {} (primary score)".format(sum_normalized_reward)) print("# Mean Percentage Complete : {} (secondary score)".format(mean_percentage_complete)) print("# Mean Normalized Reward : {}".format(mean_normalized_reward)) print("#" * 100) print("#" * 100) return _command_response
[docs] def compute_mean_scores(self): ################################################################################# ################################################################################# # Compute the mean rewards, mean normalized_reward and mean_percentage_complete # we group all the results by the test_ids # so we first compute the mean in each of the test_id groups, # and then we compute the mean across each of the test_id groups ################################################################################# ################################################################################# source_df = self.evaluation_metadata_df # grouped_df = source_df.groupby(['test_id']).mean() mean_reward = source_df["reward"].mean() mean_normalized_reward = source_df["normalized_reward"].mean() sum_normalized_reward = source_df["normalized_reward"].sum() mean_percentage_complete = source_df["percentage_complete"].mean() # Round off the reward values mean_reward = round(mean_reward, 2) mean_normalized_reward = round(mean_normalized_reward, 5) mean_percentage_complete = round(mean_percentage_complete, 3) return mean_reward, mean_normalized_reward, sum_normalized_reward, mean_percentage_complete
[docs] def report_error(self, error_message, command_response_channel): """ A helper function used to report error back to the client """ _redis = self.get_redis_connection() _command_response = {} _command_response['type'] = messages.FLATLAND_RL.ERROR _command_response['payload'] = error_message if self.use_pickle: bytes_error = pickle.dumps(_command_response) else: bytes_error = msgpack.packb( _command_response, default=m.encode, use_bin_type=True) _redis.rpush(command_response_channel, bytes_error) self.evaluation_state["state"] = "ERROR" self.evaluation_state["error"] = error_message self.evaluation_state["meta"]["termination_cause"] = "An error occured." self.handle_aicrowd_error_event(self.evaluation_state)
[docs] def handle_aicrowd_info_event(self, payload): self.oracle_events.register_event( event_type=self.oracle_events.CROWDAI_EVENT_INFO, payload=payload )
[docs] def handle_aicrowd_success_event(self, payload): self.oracle_events.register_event( event_type=self.oracle_events.CROWDAI_EVENT_SUCCESS, payload=payload )
[docs] def handle_aicrowd_error_event(self, payload): self.oracle_events.register_event( event_type=self.oracle_events.CROWDAI_EVENT_ERROR, payload=payload )
[docs] def run(self): """ Main runner function which waits for commands from the client and acts accordingly. """ print("Listening at : ", self.command_channel) MESSAGE_QUEUE_LATENCY = [] while True: try: command = self.get_next_command() except timeout_decorator.timeout_decorator.TimeoutError: # a timeout occurred: send an error, and give -1.0 normalized score for this episode if self.previous_command['type'] == messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_STEP: self.send_error({"type": messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_STEP_TIMEOUT}) timeout_details = "step time limit of {}s".format(PER_STEP_TIMEOUT) elif self.previous_command['type'] == messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_CREATE: self.send_error({"type": messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_RESET_TIMEOUT}) timeout_details = "pre-planning time limit of {}s".format(INTIAL_PLANNING_TIMEOUT) self.simulation_steps[-1] += 1 self.simulation_rewards[-1] = self.env._max_episode_steps * self.env.get_num_agents() self.simulation_rewards_normalized[-1] = 0.0 print( "Evaluation of this episode TIMED OUT after {} timesteps (exceeded {}), won't get any reward. {} consecutive timeouts. " "Percentage agents done: {:.3f}. Normalized reward: {:.3f}. Number of malfunctions: {}.".format( self.simulation_steps[-1], timeout_details, self.timeout_counter, self.simulation_percentage_complete[-1], self.simulation_rewards_normalized[-1], self.nb_malfunctioning_trains[-1], )) self.timeout_counter += 1 self.state_env_timed_out = True self.simulation_done = True if self.timeout_counter >= MAX_SUCCESSIVE_TIMEOUTS: print("=" * 15) msg = "Submissions had {} consecutive timeouts.".format(self.timeout_counter) print(msg, "Evaluation will stop.") self.termination_cause = msg self.evaluation_done = True # JW - change the command to a submit print("Creating fake submit message after excessive timeouts.") command = { "type": messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_SUBMIT, "payload": {}, "response_channel": self.previous_command.get("response_channel")} return self.handle_env_submit(command) continue self.timeout_counter = 0 if "timestamp" in command.keys(): latency = time.time() - command["timestamp"] MESSAGE_QUEUE_LATENCY.append(latency) if self.verbose: print("Self.Reward : ", self.reward) print("Current Simulation : ", self.simulation_count) if self.env_file_paths and \ self.simulation_count < len(self.env_file_paths): print("Current Env Path : ", self.env_file_paths[self.simulation_count]) try: if command['type'] == messages.FLATLAND_RL.PING: """ INITIAL HANDSHAKE : Respond with PONG """ self.handle_ping(command) elif command['type'] == messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_CREATE: """ ENV_CREATE Respond with an internal _env object """ self.handle_env_create(command) elif command['type'] == messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_STEP: """ ENV_STEP Request : Action dict Respond with updated [observation,reward,done,info] after step """ self.handle_env_step(command) elif command['type'] == messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_SUBMIT: """ ENV_SUBMIT Submit the final cumulative reward """ print("Overall Message Queue Latency : ", np.array(MESSAGE_QUEUE_LATENCY).mean()) return self.handle_env_submit(command) else: _error = self._error_template( "UNKNOWN_REQUEST:{}".format( str(command))) if self.verbose: print("Responding with : ", _error) if "response_channel" in command: self.report_error( _error, command['response_channel']) return _error ########################################### # We keep a record of the previous command # to be able to have different behaviors # between different "command transitions" # # An example use case, is when we want to # have a different timeout for the # first step in every environment # to account for some initial planning time self.previous_command = command except Exception as e: print("Error : ", str(e)) print(traceback.format_exc()) if ("response_channel" in command): self.report_error( self._error_template(str(e)), command['response_channel']) return self._error_template(str(e))
if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Submit the result to AIcrowd') parser.add_argument('--service_id', dest='service_id', default=FLATLAND_RL_SERVICE_ID, required=False) parser.add_argument('--test_folder', dest='test_folder', default="../../../submission-scoring/Envs-Small", help="Folder containing the files for the test envs", required=False) parser.add_argument('--actionDir', dest='actionDir', default=None, help="deprecated - use mergeDir. Folder containing the files for the test envs", required=False) parser.add_argument('--episodeDir', dest='episodeDir', default=None, help="deprecated - use mergeDir. Folder containing the files for the test envs", required=False) parser.add_argument('--mergeDir', dest='mergeDir', default=None, help="Folder to store merged envs, actions, episodes.", required=False) parser.add_argument('--pickle', default=False, action="store_true", help="use pickle instead of msgpack", required=False) parser.add_argument('--shuffle', default=False, action="store_true", help="Shuffle the environments", required=False) parser.add_argument('--disableTimeouts', default=False, action="store_true", help="Disable all timeouts.", required=False) parser.add_argument('--missingOnly', default=False, action="store_true", help="only request the envs/actions which are missing", required=False) parser.add_argument('--resultsDir', default="/tmp/output.csv", help="Results CSV path", required=False) parser.add_argument('--verbose', default=False, action="store_true", help="verbose debug messages", required=False) args = parser.parse_args() test_folder = args.test_folder grader = FlatlandRemoteEvaluationService( test_env_folder=test_folder, flatland_rl_service_id=args.service_id, verbose=args.verbose, visualize=True, video_generation_envs=["Test_0/Level_100.pkl"], result_output_path=args.resultsDir, action_dir=args.actionDir, episode_dir=args.episodeDir, merge_dir=args.mergeDir, use_pickle=args.pickle, shuffle=args.shuffle, missing_only=args.missingOnly, disable_timeouts=args.disableTimeouts ) result = if result['type'] == messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_SUBMIT_RESPONSE: cumulative_results = result['payload'] elif result['type'] == messages.FLATLAND_RL.ERROR: error = result['payload'] raise Exception("Evaluation Failed : {}".format(str(error))) else: # Evaluation failed print("Evaluation Failed : ", result['payload'])