Source code for flatland.evaluators.client

import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
import random
import time

import msgpack
import msgpack_numpy as m
import pickle
import numpy as np
import redis

import flatland
from flatland.envs.malfunction_generators import FileMalfunctionGen
from flatland.envs.rail_env import RailEnv
from flatland.envs.rail_generators import rail_from_file
from flatland.envs.line_generators import line_from_file
from flatland.evaluators import messages
from flatland.core.env_observation_builder import DummyObservationBuilder

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs] class TimeoutException(StopAsyncIteration): """ Custom exception for evaluation timeouts. """ pass
[docs] class FlatlandRemoteClient(object): """ Redis client to interface with flatland-rl remote-evaluation-service The Docker container hosts a redis-server inside the container. This client connects to the same redis-server, and communicates with the service. The service eventually will reside outside the docker container, and will communicate with the client only via the redis-server of the docker container. On the instantiation of the docker container, one service will be instantiated parallely. The service will accepts commands at "`service_id`::commands" where `service_id` is either provided as an `env` variable or is instantiated to "flatland_rl_redis_service_id" """ def __init__(self, test_env_folder=None, flatland_rl_service_id=FLATLAND_RL_SERVICE_ID, remote_host=os.getenv("redis_ip", ''), remote_port=6379, remote_db=0, remote_password=None, verbose=False, use_pickle=False): self.use_pickle = use_pickle self.remote_host = remote_host self.remote_port = remote_port self.remote_db = remote_db self.remote_password = remote_password self.redis_pool = redis.ConnectionPool( host=remote_host, port=remote_port, db=remote_db, password=remote_password) self.redis_conn = redis.Redis(connection_pool=self.redis_pool) self.namespace = "flatland-rl" self.service_id = flatland_rl_service_id self.command_channel = "{}::{}::commands".format( self.namespace, self.service_id ) # for timeout messages sent out-of-band self.error_channel = "{}::{}::errors".format( self.namespace, self.service_id ) if test_env_folder: self.test_envs_root = test_env_folder else: self.test_envs_root = os.getenv( 'AICROWD_TESTS_FOLDER', '/tmp/flatland_envs' ) self.current_env_path = None self.verbose = verbose self.env = None self.ping_pong() self.env_step_times = [] self.stats = {}
[docs] def update_running_stats(self, key, scalar): """ Computes the running mean for certain params """ mean_key = "{}_mean".format(key) counter_key = "{}_counter".format(key) min_key = "{}_min".format(key) max_key = "{}_max".format(key) try: # Update Mean self.stats[mean_key] = \ ((self.stats[mean_key] * self.stats[counter_key]) + scalar) / (self.stats[counter_key] + 1) # Update min if scalar < self.stats[min_key]: self.stats[min_key] = scalar # Update max if scalar > self.stats[max_key]: self.stats[max_key] = scalar self.stats[counter_key] += 1 except KeyError: self.stats[mean_key] = scalar self.stats[min_key] = scalar self.stats[max_key] = scalar self.stats[counter_key] = 1
[docs] def get_redis_connection(self): return self.redis_conn
def _generate_response_channel(self): random_hash = hashlib.md5( "{}".format( random.randint(0, 10 ** 10) ).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() response_channel = "{}::{}::response::{}".format(self.namespace, self.service_id, random_hash) return response_channel def _remote_request(self, _request, blocking=True): """ request: -command_type -payload -response_channel response: (on response_channel) - RESULT * Send the payload on command_channel (self.namespace+"::command") ** redis-left-push (LPUSH) * Keep listening on response_channel (BLPOP) """ assert isinstance(_request, dict) _request['response_channel'] = self._generate_response_channel() _request['timestamp'] = time.time() _redis = self.get_redis_connection() """ The client always pushes in the left and the service always pushes in the right """ if self.verbose: print("Request : ", _request) # check for errors (essentially just timeouts, for now.) error_bytes = _redis.rpop(self.error_channel) if error_bytes is not None: if self.use_pickle: error_dict = pickle.loads(error_bytes) else: error_dict = msgpack.unpackb( error_bytes, object_hook=m.decode, strict_map_key=False, # new for msgpack 1.0? ) print("Error received: ", error_dict) raise TimeoutException(error_dict["type"]) # Push request in command_channels # Note: The patched msgpack supports numpy arrays if self.use_pickle: payload = pickle.dumps(_request) else: payload = msgpack.packb(_request, default=m.encode, use_bin_type=True) _redis.lpush(self.command_channel, payload) if blocking: # Wait with a blocking pop for the response _response = _redis.blpop(_request['response_channel'])[1] if self.verbose: print("Response : ", _response) if self.use_pickle: _response = pickle.loads(_response) else: _response = msgpack.unpackb( _response, object_hook=m.decode, strict_map_key=False, # new for msgpack 1.0? ) if _response['type'] == messages.FLATLAND_RL.ERROR: raise Exception(str(_response["payload"])) else: return _response
[docs] def ping_pong(self): """ Official Handshake with the evaluation service Send a PING and wait for PONG If not PONG, raise error """ _request = {} _request['type'] = messages.FLATLAND_RL.PING _request['payload'] = { "version": flatland.__version__ } _response = self._remote_request(_request) if _response['type'] != messages.FLATLAND_RL.PONG: raise Exception( "Unable to perform handshake with the evaluation service. \ Expected PONG; received {}".format(json.dumps(_response))) else: return True
[docs] def env_create(self, obs_builder_object): """ Create a local env and remote env on which the local agent can operate. The observation builder is only used in the local env and the remote env uses a DummyObservationBuilder """ time_start = time.time() _request = {} _request['type'] = messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_CREATE _request['payload'] = {} _response = self._remote_request(_request) observation = _response['payload']['observation'] info = _response['payload']['info'] random_seed = _response['payload']['random_seed'] test_env_file_path = _response['payload']['env_file_path'] time_diff = time.time() - time_start self.update_running_stats("env_creation_wait_time", time_diff) if not observation: # If the observation is False, # then the evaluations are complete # hence return false return observation, info if self.verbose: print("Received Env : ", test_env_file_path) test_env_file_path = os.path.join( self.test_envs_root, test_env_file_path ) if not os.path.exists(test_env_file_path): raise Exception( "\nWe cannot seem to find the env file paths at the required location.\n" "Did you remember to set the AICROWD_TESTS_FOLDER environment variable " "to point to the location of the Tests folder ? \n" "We are currently looking at `{}` for the tests".format(self.test_envs_root) ) if self.verbose: print("Current env path : ", test_env_file_path) self.current_env_path = test_env_file_path self.env = RailEnv(width=1, height=1, rail_generator=rail_from_file(test_env_file_path), line_generator=line_from_file(test_env_file_path), malfunction_generator=FileMalfunctionGen(filename=test_env_file_path), obs_builder_object=obs_builder_object) time_start = time.time() # Use the local observation # as the remote server uses a dummy observation builder local_observation, info = self.env.reset( regenerate_rail=True, regenerate_schedule=True, random_seed=random_seed ) time_diff = time.time() - time_start self.update_running_stats("internal_env_reset_time", time_diff) # We use the last_env_step_time as an approximate measure of the inference time self.last_env_step_time = time.time() return local_observation, info
[docs] def env_step(self, action, render=False): """ Respond with [observation, reward, done, info] """ # We use the last_env_step_time as an approximate measure of the inference time approximate_inference_time = time.time() - self.last_env_step_time self.update_running_stats("inference_time(approx)", approximate_inference_time) _request = {} _request['type'] = messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_STEP _request['payload'] = {} _request['payload']['action'] = action _request['payload']['inference_time'] = approximate_inference_time # Relay the action in a non-blocking way to the server # so that it can start doing an env.step on it in ~ parallel # Note - this can throw a Timeout self._remote_request(_request, blocking=False) # Apply the action in the local env time_start = time.time() local_observation, local_reward, local_done, local_info = \ self.env.step(action) time_diff = time.time() - time_start # Compute a running mean of env step times self.update_running_stats("internal_env_step_time", time_diff) # We use the last_env_step_time as an approximate measure of the inference time self.last_env_step_time = time.time() return [local_observation, local_reward, local_done, local_info]
[docs] def submit(self): _request = {} _request['type'] = messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_SUBMIT _request['payload'] = {} _response = self._remote_request(_request) ###################################################################### # Print Local Stats ###################################################################### print("=" * 100) print("=" * 100) print("## Client Performance Stats") print("=" * 100) for _key in self.stats: if _key.endswith("_mean"): metric_name = _key.replace("_mean", "") mean_key = "{}_mean".format(metric_name) min_key = "{}_min".format(metric_name) max_key = "{}_max".format(metric_name) print("\t - {}\t => min: {} || mean: {} || max: {}".format( metric_name, self.stats[min_key], self.stats[mean_key], self.stats[max_key])) print("=" * 100) if os.getenv("AICROWD_BLOCKING_SUBMIT"): """ If the submission is supposed to happen as a blocking submit, then wait indefinitely for the evaluator to decide what to do with the container. """ while True: time.sleep(10) return _response['payload']
if __name__ == "__main__": remote_client = FlatlandRemoteClient() def my_controller(obs, _env): _action = {} for _idx, _ in enumerate(_env.agents): _action[_idx] = np.random.randint(0, 5) return _action my_observation_builder = DummyObservationBuilder() episode = 0 obs = True while obs: obs, info = remote_client.env_create( obs_builder_object=my_observation_builder ) if not obs: """ The remote env returns False as the first obs when it is done evaluating all the individual episodes """ break print("Episode : {}".format(episode)) episode += 1 print(remote_client.env.dones['__all__']) while True: action = my_controller(obs, remote_client.env) time_start = time.time() try: observation, all_rewards, done, info = remote_client.env_step(action) time_diff = time.time() - time_start print("Step Time : ", time_diff) if done['__all__']: print("Current Episode : ", episode) print("Episode Done") print("Reward : ", sum(list(all_rewards.values()))) break except TimeoutException as err: print("Timeout: ", err) break print("Evaluation Complete...") print(remote_client.submit())