Source code for flatland.envs.step_utils.env_utils
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Tuple
from flatland.core.grid.grid4_utils import get_new_position
from flatland.envs.step_utils import transition_utils
from flatland.envs.rail_env_action import RailEnvActions
from flatland.core.grid.grid4 import Grid4Transitions
from flatland.utils.decorators import enable_infrastructure_lru_cache
class AgentTransitionData:
""" Class for keeping track of temporary agent data for position update """
position : Tuple[int, int]
direction : Grid4Transitions
preprocessed_action : RailEnvActions
def apply_action_independent(action, rail, position, direction):
""" Apply the action on the train regardless of locations of other trains
Checks for valid cells to move and valid rail transitions
Parameters: action - Action to execute
rail - Flatland env.rail object
position - current position of the train
direction - current direction of the train
Returns: new_position - New position after applying the action
new_direction - New direction after applying the action
if action.is_moving_action():
new_direction, _ = transition_utils.check_action(action, position, direction, rail)
new_position = get_new_position(position, new_direction)
new_position, new_direction = position, direction
return new_position, new_direction
def state_position_sync_check(state, position, i_agent):
""" Check for whether on map and off map states are matching with position """
if state.is_on_map_state() and position is None:
raise ValueError("Agent ID {} Agent State {} is on map Agent Position {} if off map ".format(
i_agent, str(state), str(position) ))
elif state.is_off_map_state() and position is not None:
raise ValueError("Agent ID {} Agent State {} is off map Agent Position {} if on map ".format(
i_agent, str(state), str(position) ))