Source code for flatland.envs.observations

Collection of environment-specific ObservationBuilder.
import collections
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Tuple

import numpy as np

from flatland.core.env import Environment
from flatland.core.env_observation_builder import ObservationBuilder, AgentHandle
from flatland.core.env_prediction_builder import PredictionBuilder
from flatland.core.grid.grid4_utils import get_new_position
from flatland.core.grid.grid_utils import coordinate_to_position
from flatland.envs.agent_utils import EnvAgent
from flatland.envs.fast_methods import fast_argmax, fast_count_nonzero, fast_position_equal, fast_delete, fast_where
from flatland.envs.step_utils.states import TrainState
from flatland.utils.ordered_set import OrderedSet

Node = collections.namedtuple('Node', 'dist_own_target_encountered '
                                      'dist_other_target_encountered '
                                      'dist_other_agent_encountered '
                                      'dist_potential_conflict '
                                      'dist_unusable_switch '
                                      'dist_to_next_branch '
                                      'dist_min_to_target '
                                      'num_agents_same_direction '
                                      'num_agents_opposite_direction '
                                      'num_agents_malfunctioning '
                                      'speed_min_fractional '
                                      'num_agents_ready_to_depart '

[docs] class TreeObsForRailEnv(ObservationBuilder[Node]): """ TreeObsForRailEnv object. This object returns observation vectors for agents in the RailEnv environment. The information is local to each agent and exploits the graph structure of the rail network to simplify the representation of the state of the environment for each agent. For details about the features in the tree observation see the get() function. """ tree_explored_actions_char = ['L', 'F', 'R', 'B'] def __init__(self, max_depth: int, predictor: PredictionBuilder = None): super().__init__() self.max_depth = max_depth self.observation_dim = 11 self.location_has_agent = {} self.location_has_agent_direction = {} self.predictor = predictor self.location_has_target = None
[docs] def reset(self): self.location_has_target = {tuple( 1 for agent in self.env.agents}
[docs] def get_many(self, handles: Optional[List[AgentHandle]] = None) -> Dict[AgentHandle, Node]: """ Called whenever an observation has to be computed for the `env` environment, for each agent with handle in the `handles` list. """ if handles is None: handles = [] if self.predictor: self.max_prediction_depth = 0 self.predicted_pos = {} self.predicted_dir = {} self.predictions = self.predictor.get() if self.predictions: for t in range(self.predictor.max_depth + 1): pos_list = [] dir_list = [] for a in handles: if self.predictions[a] is None: continue pos_list.append(self.predictions[a][t][1:3]) dir_list.append(self.predictions[a][t][3]) self.predicted_pos.update({t: coordinate_to_position(self.env.width, pos_list)}) self.predicted_dir.update({t: dir_list}) self.max_prediction_depth = len(self.predicted_pos) # Update local lookup table for all agents' positions # ignore other agents not in the grid (only status active and done) # self.location_has_agent = {tuple(agent.position): 1 for agent in self.env.agents if # agent.status in [RailAgentStatus.ACTIVE, RailAgentStatus.DONE]} self.location_has_agent = {} self.location_has_agent_direction = {} self.location_has_agent_speed = {} self.location_has_agent_malfunction = {} self.location_has_agent_ready_to_depart = {} for _agent in self.env.agents: if not _agent.state.is_off_map_state() and \ _agent.position: self.location_has_agent[tuple(_agent.position)] = 1 self.location_has_agent_direction[tuple(_agent.position)] = _agent.direction self.location_has_agent_speed[tuple(_agent.position)] = _agent.speed_counter.speed self.location_has_agent_malfunction[tuple(_agent.position)] = \ _agent.malfunction_handler.malfunction_down_counter # [NIMISH] WHAT IS THIS if _agent.state.is_off_map_state() and \ _agent.initial_position: self.location_has_agent_ready_to_depart.setdefault(tuple(_agent.initial_position), 0) self.location_has_agent_ready_to_depart[tuple(_agent.initial_position)] += 1 # self.location_has_agent_ready_to_depart[tuple(_agent.initial_position)] = \ # self.location_has_agent_ready_to_depart.get(tuple(_agent.initial_position), 0) + 1 observations = super().get_many(handles) return observations
[docs] def get(self, handle: AgentHandle = 0) -> Node: """ Computes the current observation for agent `handle` in env The observation vector is composed of 4 sequential parts, corresponding to data from the up to 4 possible movements in a RailEnv (up to because only a subset of possible transitions are allowed in RailEnv). The possible movements are sorted relative to the current orientation of the agent, rather than NESW as for the transitions. The order is:: [data from 'left'] + [data from 'forward'] + [data from 'right'] + [data from 'back'] Each branch data is organized as:: [root node information] + [recursive branch data from 'left'] + [... from 'forward'] + [... from 'right] + [... from 'back'] Each node information is composed of 9 features: #1: if own target lies on the explored branch the current distance from the agent in number of cells is stored. #2: if another agents target is detected the distance in number of cells from the agents current location\ is stored #3: if another agent is detected the distance in number of cells from current agent position is stored. #4: possible conflict detected tot_dist = Other agent predicts to pass along this cell at the same time as the agent, we store the \ distance in number of cells from current agent position 0 = No other agent reserve the same cell at similar time #5: if an not usable switch (for agent) is detected we store the distance. #6: This feature stores the distance in number of cells to the next branching (current node) #7: minimum distance from node to the agent's target given the direction of the agent if this path is chosen #8: agent in the same direction n = number of agents present same direction \ (possible future use: number of other agents in the same direction in this branch) 0 = no agent present same direction #9: agent in the opposite direction n = number of agents present other direction than myself (so conflict) \ (possible future use: number of other agents in other direction in this branch, ie. number of conflicts) 0 = no agent present other direction than myself #10: malfunctioning/blokcing agents n = number of time steps the oberved agent remains blocked #11: slowest observed speed of an agent in same direction 1 if no agent is observed min_fractional speed otherwise #12: number of agents ready to depart but no yet active Missing/padding nodes are filled in with -inf (truncated). Missing values in present node are filled in with +inf (truncated). In case of the root node, the values are [0, 0, 0, 0, distance from agent to target, own malfunction, own speed] In case the target node is reached, the values are [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]. """ if handle > len(self.env.agents): print("ERROR: obs _get - handle ", handle, " len(agents)", len(self.env.agents)) agent = self.env.agents[handle] # TODO: handle being treated as index if agent.state.is_off_map_state(): agent_virtual_position = agent.initial_position elif agent.state.is_on_map_state(): agent_virtual_position = agent.position elif agent.state == TrainState.DONE: agent_virtual_position = else: return None possible_transitions = self.env.rail.get_transitions(*agent_virtual_position, agent.direction) num_transitions = fast_count_nonzero(possible_transitions) # Here information about the agent itself is stored distance_map = self.env.distance_map.get() root_node_observation = Node(dist_own_target_encountered=0, dist_other_target_encountered=0, dist_other_agent_encountered=0, dist_potential_conflict=0, dist_unusable_switch=0, dist_to_next_branch=0, dist_min_to_target=distance_map[ (handle, *agent_virtual_position, agent.direction)], num_agents_same_direction=0, num_agents_opposite_direction=0, num_agents_malfunctioning=agent.malfunction_handler.malfunction_down_counter, speed_min_fractional=agent.speed_counter.speed, num_agents_ready_to_depart=0, childs={}) # print("root node type:", type(root_node_observation)) visited = OrderedSet() # Start from the current orientation, and see which transitions are available; # organize them as [left, forward, right, back], relative to the current orientation # If only one transition is possible, the tree is oriented with this transition as the forward branch. orientation = agent.direction if num_transitions == 1: orientation = fast_argmax(possible_transitions) for i, branch_direction in enumerate([(orientation + i) % 4 for i in range(-1, 3)]): if possible_transitions[branch_direction]: new_cell = get_new_position(agent_virtual_position, branch_direction) branch_observation, branch_visited = \ self._explore_branch(handle, new_cell, branch_direction, 1, 1) root_node_observation.childs[self.tree_explored_actions_char[i]] = branch_observation visited |= branch_visited else: # add cells filled with infinity if no transition is possible root_node_observation.childs[self.tree_explored_actions_char[i]] = -np.inf self.env.dev_obs_dict[handle] = visited return root_node_observation
def _explore_branch(self, handle, position, direction, tot_dist, depth): """ Utility function to compute tree-based observations. We walk along the branch and collect the information documented in the get() function. If there is a branching point a new node is created and each possible branch is explored. """ # [Recursive branch opened] if depth >= self.max_depth + 1: return [], [] # Continue along direction until next switch or # until no transitions are possible along the current direction (i.e., dead-ends) # We treat dead-ends as nodes, instead of going back, to avoid loops exploring = True last_is_switch = False last_is_dead_end = False last_is_terminal = False # wrong cell OR cycle; either way, we don't want the agent to land here last_is_target = False visited = OrderedSet() agent = self.env.agents[handle] distance_map_handle = self.env.distance_map.get()[handle] time_per_cell = 1.0 / agent.speed_counter.speed own_target_encountered = np.inf other_agent_encountered = np.inf other_target_encountered = np.inf potential_conflict = np.inf unusable_switch = np.inf other_agent_same_direction = 0 other_agent_opposite_direction = 0 malfunctioning_agent = 0 min_fractional_speed = 1. num_steps = 1 other_agent_ready_to_depart_encountered = 0 while exploring: # ############################# # ############################# # Modify here to compute any useful data required to build the end node's features. This code is called # for each cell visited between the previous branching node and the next switch / target / dead-end. if self.location_has_agent.get(position, 0) == 1: if tot_dist < other_agent_encountered: other_agent_encountered = tot_dist # Check if any of the observed agents is malfunctioning, store agent with longest duration left if self.location_has_agent_malfunction[position] > malfunctioning_agent: malfunctioning_agent = self.location_has_agent_malfunction[position] other_agent_ready_to_depart_encountered += self.location_has_agent_ready_to_depart.get(position, 0) if self.location_has_agent_direction[position] == direction: # Cummulate the number of agents on branch with same direction other_agent_same_direction += 1 # Check fractional speed of agents current_fractional_speed = self.location_has_agent_speed[position] if current_fractional_speed < min_fractional_speed: min_fractional_speed = current_fractional_speed else: # If no agent in the same direction was found all agents in that position are other direction # Attention this counts to many agents as a few might be going off on a switch. other_agent_opposite_direction += self.location_has_agent[position] # Check number of possible transitions for agent and total number of transitions in cell (type) cell_transitions = self.env.rail.get_transitions(*position, direction) transition_bit = bin(self.env.rail.get_full_transitions(*position)) total_transitions = transition_bit.count("1") crossing_found = False if int(transition_bit, 2) == int('1000010000100001', 2): crossing_found = True # Register possible future conflict predicted_time = int(tot_dist * time_per_cell) if self.predictor and predicted_time < self.max_prediction_depth: int_position = coordinate_to_position(self.env.width, [position]) if tot_dist < self.max_prediction_depth: pre_step = max(0, predicted_time - 1) post_step = min(self.max_prediction_depth - 1, predicted_time + 1) # Look for conflicting paths at distance tot_dist if int_position in fast_delete(self.predicted_pos[predicted_time], handle): conflicting_agent = fast_where(self.predicted_pos[predicted_time] == int_position) for ca in conflicting_agent: if direction != self.predicted_dir[predicted_time][ca] and cell_transitions[ self._reverse_dir( self.predicted_dir[predicted_time][ca])] == 1 and tot_dist < potential_conflict: potential_conflict = tot_dist if self.env.agents[ca].state == TrainState.DONE and tot_dist < potential_conflict: potential_conflict = tot_dist # Look for conflicting paths at distance num_step-1 elif int_position in fast_delete(self.predicted_pos[pre_step], handle): conflicting_agent = fast_where(self.predicted_pos[pre_step] == int_position) for ca in conflicting_agent: if direction != self.predicted_dir[pre_step][ca] \ and cell_transitions[self._reverse_dir(self.predicted_dir[pre_step][ca])] == 1 \ and tot_dist < potential_conflict: # noqa: E125 potential_conflict = tot_dist if self.env.agents[ca].state == TrainState.DONE and tot_dist < potential_conflict: potential_conflict = tot_dist # Look for conflicting paths at distance num_step+1 elif int_position in fast_delete(self.predicted_pos[post_step], handle): conflicting_agent = fast_where(self.predicted_pos[post_step] == int_position) for ca in conflicting_agent: if direction != self.predicted_dir[post_step][ca] and cell_transitions[self._reverse_dir( self.predicted_dir[post_step][ca])] == 1 \ and tot_dist < potential_conflict: # noqa: E125 potential_conflict = tot_dist if self.env.agents[ca].state == TrainState.DONE and tot_dist < potential_conflict: potential_conflict = tot_dist if position in self.location_has_target and position != if tot_dist < other_target_encountered: other_target_encountered = tot_dist if position == and tot_dist < own_target_encountered: own_target_encountered = tot_dist # ############################# # ############################# if (position[0], position[1], direction) in visited: last_is_terminal = True break visited.add((position[0], position[1], direction)) # If the target node is encountered, pick that as node. Also, no further branching is possible. if fast_position_equal(position, self.env.agents[handle].target): last_is_target = True break # Check if crossing is found --> Not an unusable switch if crossing_found: # Treat the crossing as a straight rail cell total_transitions = 2 num_transitions = fast_count_nonzero(cell_transitions) exploring = False # Detect Switches that can only be used by other agents. if total_transitions > 2 > num_transitions and tot_dist < unusable_switch: unusable_switch = tot_dist if num_transitions == 1: # Check if dead-end, or if we can go forward along direction nbits = total_transitions if nbits == 1: # Dead-end! last_is_dead_end = True if not last_is_dead_end: # Keep walking through the tree along `direction` exploring = True # convert one-hot encoding to 0,1,2,3 direction = fast_argmax(cell_transitions) position = get_new_position(position, direction) num_steps += 1 tot_dist += 1 elif num_transitions > 0: # Switch detected last_is_switch = True break elif num_transitions == 0: # Wrong cell type, but let's cover it and treat it as a dead-end, just in case print("WRONG CELL TYPE detected in tree-search (0 transitions possible) at cell", position[0], position[1], direction) last_is_terminal = True break # `position` is either a terminal node or a switch # ############################# # ############################# # Modify here to append new / different features for each visited cell! if last_is_target: dist_to_next_branch = tot_dist dist_min_to_target = 0 elif last_is_terminal: dist_to_next_branch = np.inf dist_min_to_target = distance_map_handle[position[0], position[1], direction] else: dist_to_next_branch = tot_dist dist_min_to_target = distance_map_handle[position[0], position[1], direction] node = Node(dist_own_target_encountered=own_target_encountered, dist_other_target_encountered=other_target_encountered, dist_other_agent_encountered=other_agent_encountered, dist_potential_conflict=potential_conflict, dist_unusable_switch=unusable_switch, dist_to_next_branch=dist_to_next_branch, dist_min_to_target=dist_min_to_target, num_agents_same_direction=other_agent_same_direction, num_agents_opposite_direction=other_agent_opposite_direction, num_agents_malfunctioning=malfunctioning_agent, speed_min_fractional=min_fractional_speed, num_agents_ready_to_depart=other_agent_ready_to_depart_encountered, childs={}) # ############################# # ############################# # Start from the current orientation, and see which transitions are available; # organize them as [left, forward, right, back], relative to the current orientation # Get the possible transitions possible_transitions = self.env.rail.get_transitions(*position, direction) for i, branch_direction in enumerate([(direction + 4 + i) % 4 for i in range(-1, 3)]): if last_is_dead_end and self.env.rail.get_transition((*position, direction), (branch_direction + 2) % 4): # Swap forward and back in case of dead-end, so that an agent can learn that going forward takes # it back new_cell = get_new_position(position, (branch_direction + 2) % 4) branch_observation, branch_visited = self._explore_branch(handle, new_cell, (branch_direction + 2) % 4, tot_dist + 1, depth + 1) node.childs[self.tree_explored_actions_char[i]] = branch_observation if len(branch_visited) != 0: visited |= branch_visited elif last_is_switch and possible_transitions[branch_direction]: new_cell = get_new_position(position, branch_direction) branch_observation, branch_visited = self._explore_branch(handle, new_cell, branch_direction, tot_dist + 1, depth + 1) node.childs[self.tree_explored_actions_char[i]] = branch_observation if len(branch_visited) != 0: visited |= branch_visited else: # no exploring possible, add just cells with infinity node.childs[self.tree_explored_actions_char[i]] = -np.inf if depth == self.max_depth: node.childs.clear() return node, visited
[docs] def util_print_obs_subtree(self, tree: Node): """ Utility function to print tree observations returned by this object. """ self.print_node_features(tree, "root", "") for direction in self.tree_explored_actions_char: self.print_subtree(tree.childs[direction], direction, "\t")
[docs] @staticmethod def print_node_features(node: Node, label, indent): print(indent, "Direction ", label, ": ", node.dist_own_target_encountered, ", ", node.dist_other_target_encountered, ", ", node.dist_other_agent_encountered, ", ", node.dist_potential_conflict, ", ", node.dist_unusable_switch, ", ", node.dist_to_next_branch, ", ", node.dist_min_to_target, ", ", node.num_agents_same_direction, ", ", node.num_agents_opposite_direction, ", ", node.num_agents_malfunctioning, ", ", node.speed_min_fractional, ", ", node.num_agents_ready_to_depart)
[docs] def print_subtree(self, node, label, indent): if node == -np.inf or not node: print(indent, "Direction ", label, ": -np.inf") return self.print_node_features(node, label, indent) if not node.childs: return for direction in self.tree_explored_actions_char: self.print_subtree(node.childs[direction], direction, indent + "\t")
[docs] def set_env(self, env: Environment): super().set_env(env) if self.predictor: self.predictor.set_env(self.env)
def _reverse_dir(self, direction): return int((direction + 2) % 4)
[docs] class GlobalObsForRailEnv(ObservationBuilder[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]): """ Gives a global observation of the entire rail environment. The observation is composed of the following elements: - transition map array with dimensions (env.height, env.width, 16),\ assuming 16 bits encoding of transitions. - obs_agents_state: A 3D array (map_height, map_width, 5) with - first channel containing the agents position and direction - second channel containing the other agents positions and direction - third channel containing agent/other agent malfunctions - fourth channel containing agent/other agent fractional speeds - fifth channel containing number of other agents ready to depart - obs_targets: Two 2D arrays (map_height, map_width, 2) containing respectively the position of the given agent\ target and the positions of the other agents targets (flag only, no counter!). """ def __init__(self): super(GlobalObsForRailEnv, self).__init__()
[docs] def set_env(self, env: Environment): super().set_env(env)
[docs] def reset(self): self.rail_obs = np.zeros((self.env.height, self.env.width, 16)) for i in range(self.rail_obs.shape[0]): for j in range(self.rail_obs.shape[1]): bitlist = [int(digit) for digit in bin(self.env.rail.get_full_transitions(i, j))[2:]] bitlist = [0] * (16 - len(bitlist)) + bitlist self.rail_obs[i, j] = np.array(bitlist)
[docs] def get(self, handle: AgentHandle = 0) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: agent = self.env.agents[handle] if agent.state.is_off_map_state(): agent_virtual_position = agent.initial_position elif agent.state.is_on_map_state(): agent_virtual_position = agent.position elif agent.state == TrainState.DONE: agent_virtual_position = else: return None obs_targets = np.zeros((self.env.height, self.env.width, 2)) obs_agents_state = np.zeros((self.env.height, self.env.width, 5)) - 1 obs_agents_state[:, :, 4] = 0 obs_agents_state[agent_virtual_position][0] = agent.direction obs_targets[][0] = 1 for i in range(len(self.env.agents)): other_agent: EnvAgent = self.env.agents[i] # ignore other agents not in the grid any more if other_agent.state == TrainState.DONE: continue obs_targets[][1] = 1 # second to fourth channel only if in the grid if other_agent.position is not None: # second channel only for other agents if i != handle: obs_agents_state[other_agent.position][1] = other_agent.direction obs_agents_state[other_agent.position][2] = other_agent.malfunction_handler.malfunction_down_counter obs_agents_state[other_agent.position][3] = other_agent.speed_counter.speed # fifth channel: all ready to depart on this position if other_agent.state.is_off_map_state(): obs_agents_state[other_agent.initial_position][4] += 1 return self.rail_obs, obs_agents_state, obs_targets
[docs] class LocalObsForRailEnv(ObservationBuilder): """ !!!!!!WARNING!!! THIS IS DEPRACTED AND NOT UPDATED TO FLATLAND 2.0!!!!! Gives a local observation of the rail environment around the agent. The observation is composed of the following elements: - transition map array of the local environment around the given agent, \ with dimensions (view_height,2*view_width+1, 16), \ assuming 16 bits encoding of transitions. - Two 2D arrays (view_height,2*view_width+1, 2) containing respectively, \ if they are in the agent's vision range, its target position, the positions of the other targets. - A 2D array (view_height,2*view_width+1, 4) containing the one hot encoding of directions \ of the other agents at their position coordinates, if they are in the agent's vision range. - A 4 elements array with one hot encoding of the direction. Use the parameters view_width and view_height to define the rectangular view of the agent. The center parameters moves the agent along the height axis of this rectangle. If it is 0 the agent only has observation in front of it. .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 """ def __init__(self, view_width, view_height, center): super(LocalObsForRailEnv, self).__init__() self.view_width = view_width self.view_height = view_height = center self.max_padding = max(self.view_width, self.view_height -
[docs] def reset(self): # We build the transition map with a view_radius empty cells expansion on each side. # This helps to collect the local transition map view when the agent is close to a border. self.max_padding = max(self.view_width, self.view_height) self.rail_obs = np.zeros((self.env.height, self.env.width, 16)) for i in range(self.env.height): for j in range(self.env.width): bitlist = [int(digit) for digit in bin(self.env.rail.get_full_transitions(i, j))[2:]] bitlist = [0] * (16 - len(bitlist)) + bitlist self.rail_obs[i, j] = np.array(bitlist)
[docs] def get(self, handle: int = 0) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray): agents = self.env.agents agent = agents[handle] # Correct agents position for padding # agent_rel_pos[0] = agent.position[0] + self.max_padding # agent_rel_pos[1] = agent.position[1] + self.max_padding # Collect visible cells as set to be plotted visited, rel_coords = self.field_of_view(agent.position, agent.direction, ) local_rail_obs = None # Add the visible cells to the observed cells self.env.dev_obs_dict[handle] = set(visited) # Locate observed agents and their coresponding targets local_rail_obs = np.zeros((self.view_height, 2 * self.view_width + 1, 16)) obs_map_state = np.zeros((self.view_height, 2 * self.view_width + 1, 2)) obs_other_agents_state = np.zeros((self.view_height, 2 * self.view_width + 1, 4)) _idx = 0 for pos in visited: curr_rel_coord = rel_coords[_idx] local_rail_obs[curr_rel_coord[0], curr_rel_coord[1], :] = self.rail_obs[pos[0], pos[1], :] if pos == obs_map_state[curr_rel_coord[0], curr_rel_coord[1], 0] = 1 else: for tmp_agent in agents: if pos == obs_map_state[curr_rel_coord[0], curr_rel_coord[1], 1] = 1 if pos != agent.position: for tmp_agent in agents: if pos == tmp_agent.position: obs_other_agents_state[curr_rel_coord[0], curr_rel_coord[1], :] = np.identity(4)[ tmp_agent.direction] _idx += 1 direction = np.identity(4)[agent.direction] return local_rail_obs, obs_map_state, obs_other_agents_state, direction
[docs] def field_of_view(self, position, direction, state=None): # Compute the local field of view for an agent in the environment data_collection = False if state is not None: temp_visible_data = np.zeros(shape=(self.view_height, 2 * self.view_width + 1, 16)) data_collection = True if direction == 0: origin = (position[0] +, position[1] - self.view_width) elif direction == 1: origin = (position[0] - self.view_width, position[1] - elif direction == 2: origin = (position[0] -, position[1] + self.view_width) else: origin = (position[0] + self.view_width, position[1] + visible = list() rel_coords = list() for h in range(self.view_height): for w in range(2 * self.view_width + 1): if direction == 0: if 0 <= origin[0] - h < self.env.height and 0 <= origin[1] + w < self.env.width: visible.append((origin[0] - h, origin[1] + w)) rel_coords.append((h, w)) # if data_collection: # temp_visible_data[h, w, :] = state[origin[0] - h, origin[1] + w, :] elif direction == 1: if 0 <= origin[0] + w < self.env.height and 0 <= origin[1] + h < self.env.width: visible.append((origin[0] + w, origin[1] + h)) rel_coords.append((h, w)) # if data_collection: # temp_visible_data[h, w, :] = state[origin[0] + w, origin[1] + h, :] elif direction == 2: if 0 <= origin[0] + h < self.env.height and 0 <= origin[1] - w < self.env.width: visible.append((origin[0] + h, origin[1] - w)) rel_coords.append((h, w)) # if data_collection: # temp_visible_data[h, w, :] = state[origin[0] + h, origin[1] - w, :] else: if 0 <= origin[0] - w < self.env.height and 0 <= origin[1] - h < self.env.width: visible.append((origin[0] - w, origin[1] - h)) rel_coords.append((h, w)) # if data_collection: # temp_visible_data[h, w, :] = state[origin[0] - w, origin[1] - h, :] if data_collection: return temp_visible_data else: return visible, rel_coords