from collections import deque
from typing import List, Optional
import numpy as np
from flatland.core.grid.grid4_utils import get_new_position
from flatland.core.transition_map import GridTransitionMap
from flatland.envs.agent_utils import EnvAgent
class DistanceMap:
def __init__(self, agents: List[EnvAgent], env_height: int, env_width: int):
self.env_height = env_height
self.env_width = env_width
self.distance_map = None
self.agents_previous_computation = None
self.reset_was_called = False
self.agents: List[EnvAgent] = agents
self.rail: Optional[GridTransitionMap] = None
def set(self, distance_map: np.ndarray):
Set the distance map
self.distance_map = distance_map
def get(self) -> np.ndarray:
Get the distance map
if self.reset_was_called:
self.reset_was_called = False
compute_distance_map = True
# Don't compute the distance map if it was loaded
if self.agents_previous_computation is None and self.distance_map is not None:
compute_distance_map = False
if compute_distance_map:
self._compute(self.agents, self.rail)
elif self.distance_map is None:
self._compute(self.agents, self.rail)
return self.distance_map
def reset(self, agents: List[EnvAgent], rail: GridTransitionMap):
Reset the distance map
self.reset_was_called = True
self.agents: List[EnvAgent] = agents
self.rail = rail
self.env_height = rail.height
self.env_width = rail.width
def _compute(self, agents: List[EnvAgent], rail: GridTransitionMap):
This function computes the distance maps for each unique target. Thus if several targets are the same
we only compute the distance for them once and copy to all targets with same position.
:param agents: All the agents in the environment, independent of their current status
:param rail: The rail transition map
self.agents_previous_computation = self.agents
self.distance_map = np.full(shape=(len(agents),
computed_targets = []
for i, agent in enumerate(agents):
if not in computed_targets:
self._distance_map_walker(rail,, i)
# just copy the distance map form other agent with same target (performance)
self.distance_map[i, :, :, :] = np.copy(
self.distance_map[computed_targets.index(, :, :, :])
def _distance_map_walker(self, rail: GridTransitionMap, position, target_nr: int):
Utility function to compute distance maps from each cell in the rail network (and each possible
orientation within it) to each agent's target cell.
# Returns max distance to target, from the farthest away node, while filling in distance_map
self.distance_map[target_nr, position[0], position[1], :] = 0
# Fill in the (up to) 4 neighboring nodes
# direction is the direction of movement, meaning that at least a possible orientation of an agent
# in cell (row,col) allows a movement in direction `direction'
nodes_queue = deque(self._get_and_update_neighbors(rail, position, target_nr, 0, enforce_target_direction=-1))
# BFS from target `position' to all the reachable nodes in the grid
# Stop the search if the target position is re-visited, in any direction
visited = {(position[0], position[1], 0), (position[0], position[1], 1), (position[0], position[1], 2),
(position[0], position[1], 3)}
max_distance = 0
while nodes_queue:
node = nodes_queue.popleft()
node_id = (node[0], node[1], node[2])
if node_id not in visited:
# From the list of possible neighbors that have at least a path to the current node, only keep those
# whose new orientation in the current cell would allow a transition to direction node[2]
valid_neighbors = self._get_and_update_neighbors(rail, (node[0], node[1]), target_nr, node[3], node[2])
for n in valid_neighbors:
if len(valid_neighbors) > 0:
max_distance = max(max_distance, node[3] + 1)
return max_distance
def _get_and_update_neighbors(self, rail: GridTransitionMap, position, target_nr, current_distance,
Utility function used by _distance_map_walker to perform a BFS walk over the rail, filling in the
minimum distances from each target cell.
neighbors = []
possible_directions = [0, 1, 2, 3]
if enforce_target_direction >= 0:
# The agent must land into the current cell with orientation `enforce_target_direction'.
# This is only possible if the agent has arrived from the cell in the opposite direction!
possible_directions = [(enforce_target_direction + 2) % 4]
for neigh_direction in possible_directions:
new_cell = get_new_position(position, neigh_direction)
if new_cell[0] >= 0 and new_cell[0] < self.env_height and new_cell[1] >= 0 and new_cell[1] < self.env_width:
desired_movement_from_new_cell = (neigh_direction + 2) % 4
# Check all possible transitions in new_cell
for agent_orientation in range(4):
# Is a transition along movement `desired_movement_from_new_cell' to the current cell possible?
is_valid = rail.get_transition((new_cell[0], new_cell[1], agent_orientation),
if is_valid:
# TODO: check that it works with deadends! -- still bugged!
movement = desired_movement_from_new_cell
if isNextCellDeadEnd:
movement = (desired_movement_from_new_cell+2) % 4
new_distance = min(self.distance_map[target_nr, new_cell[0], new_cell[1], agent_orientation],
current_distance + 1)
neighbors.append((new_cell[0], new_cell[1], agent_orientation, new_distance))
self.distance_map[target_nr, new_cell[0], new_cell[1], agent_orientation] = new_distance
return neighbors