Source code for flatland.core.env

The env module defines the base Environment class.
The base Environment class is adapted from rllib.env.MultiAgentEnv

[docs] class Environment: """ Base interface for multi-agent environments in Flatland. Derived environments should implement the following attributes: action_space: tuple with the dimensions of the actions to be passed to the step method Agents are identified by agent ids (handles). Examples: >>> obs, info = env.reset() >>> print(obs) { "train_0": [2.4, 1.6], "train_1": [3.4, -3.2], } >>> obs, rewards, dones, infos = env.step( action_dict={ "train_0": 1, "train_1": 0}) >>> print(rewards) { "train_0": 3, "train_1": -1, } >>> print(dones) { "train_0": False, # train_0 is still running "train_1": True, # train_1 is done "__all__": False, # the env is not done }h >>> print(infos) { "train_0": {}, # info for train_0 "train_1": {}, # info for train_1 } """ def __init__(self): self.action_space = () pass
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the env and returns observations from agents in the environment. Returns ------- obs : dict New observations for each agent. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def step(self, action_dict): """ Environment step. Performs an environment step with simultaneous execution of actions for agents in action_dict. Returns observations for the agents. The returns are dicts mapping from agent_id strings to values. Parameters ---------- action_dict : dict Dictionary of actions to execute, indexed by agent id. Returns ------- obs : dict New observations for each ready agent. rewards: dict Reward values for each ready agent. dones : dict Done values for each ready agent. The special key "__all__" (required) is used to indicate env termination. infos : dict Optional info values for each agent id. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_agent_handles(self): """ Returns a list of agents' handles to be used as keys in the step() function. """ raise NotImplementedError()